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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001



Don’t Leave a Faulty Heater Without Repairs at the End of Winter


When you can see the end of the winter weather just over the horizon, the excitement may cause you to neglect your heating system. Yes, you’ll still run it when you need it, and keep running it until the warm spring weather finally settles in. You may, however, ignore indications that the heater is malfunctioning and neglect to arrange for the proper heating repair in Nashville, TN to address the problem.

Procrastinating on a faulty heater at the end of winter is a natural reaction—but it’s not a good one! Repair for a heating system is always a priority, as we’ll explain below.

The Risks of Procrastination

  • Decreased Efficiency and Increased Energy Costs: Small issues in your heating system can gradually worsen if not addressed promptly. A minor problem that restricts airflow or hampers heat exchange can cause your system to work harder, significantly increasing energy consumption and your monthly bills. You don’t want to spend the end of winter paying far more for comfort than you should.
  • The Potential for Bigger, More Expensive Repairs: What starts as a minor fix can escalate into a major system failure if you neglect it. For instance, a simple issue like bearings in a motor wearing down can lead to the motor overheating and burning out. It’s a far more costly repair to replace a burnt-out motor than to replace the motor bearings.
  • Safety Concerns: Heating systems, especially those that run from natural gas or heating oil, can pose serious safety risks if they malfunction. Carbon monoxide leaks, electrical fires, and other hazards are more likely when a system doesn’t receive the repair attention it needs. In fact, neglect is the main reason that a heating system may become hazardous.

The Advantages of Early Repairs

  • Peace of Mind During the Off-Season: There’s a certain comfort in knowing your heating system is in top condition long before the cold weather returns. Early repairs mean one less thing to worry about when you’re enjoying the summer months.
  • Better Scheduling and Availability of Technicians: The end of winter and start of summer are usually slower periods for HVAC professionals. (We’re mostly busy helping with AC maintenance.) This means you’re more likely to get a convenient appointment time. You might also benefit from more flexible scheduling options to suit your busy life.
  • Reduced Chance of a Sudden Breakdown: What might seem like a minor malfunction could end up causing your heater to break down. We still have cold days left, and you don’t want to risk the AC failing you when you still need it. Getting repairs done right away means you’ll be able to rest easy for the remaining times you use your heater.

We’re Ready to Help

Our team at Premier is getting ready to maintain our customers’ air conditioning systems so they’re prepared for the summer. (Get on the schedule as well!) But we’re always ready to help when any of our valued customers have heating troubles. Don’t hesitate to call us when you’ve got a heater in need.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001.

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