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AC Water Leaks? Here’s Why It Might Be Happening


Your air conditioning system uses chemical refrigerant to cool the air: it absorbs heat from the air indoors and then transports it outdoors. At no point in the process does the AC use water to cool the air. (There’s a specific type of cooling system that uses water, an evaporative cooler, but they’re uncommon in this area.) 

So why would water start to leak out of your air conditioner? If you see water pooling around your AC, it’s definitely a problem you’ll need to address, probably with professional AC repair in Forsyth, GA. Below we’ll explain why there’s water in your AC and why it may begin to leak, creating potential problems.

Water in the AC

If you listen to your AC run, you’ll occasionally hear the dripping of water from inside. This is normal: it’s condensate moisture that collects inside the air conditioner while it runs. The cold refrigerant in the indoor evaporator coil draws heat from the air, and as a side-effect it causes the moisture in the air to condense along the coil. It’s the same effect you see on the outside of a cold glass of liquid.

This water moisture needs to go somewhere—it can’t stay in the AC! The air conditioner had a condensate drainage system to take care of it: the water on the coil drips down in the pan under the coil assembly, and the water leaves through a drain and drain line (often with the assistance of a pump) that carries the water outdoors. 

How an AC May Start to Leak Condensate Moisture

There are several ways the AC condensate drainage system can malfunction, leading to water leaks:

  • Clogged Drain Line: Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in the drain line over time, causing a blockage. When this happens, the condensate cannot properly drain away and may overflow, leading to water leaks.
  • Damaged Drain Pan: If the pan is cracked or damaged, it will not hold the water, resulting in leaks.
  • Improper Installation: If the condensate drainage system is not installed correctly, it may not function as intended. This can lead to water not being properly directed away from the unit, causing leaks.
  • Malfunctioning Pump: In ACs with a condensate pump, a malfunction can prevent water from being pumped out of the unit. This can cause the water to back up and leak.
  • Frozen Evaporator Coil: When the evaporator coil freezes, it can lead to excessive condensation once it thaws. This sudden influx of water can overwhelm the drainage system, causing leaks.
  • High Humidity Levels: When the humidity is very high, an AC may produce more condensate than usual. If the drainage system is not equipped to handle the increased volume, it can result in leaks.

Call for Professional Assistance

A failed condensate drainage system can cause your AC to shut down. It also puts the entire system in danger of damage and mold growth, not to mention the threat of water damage to your home from the leaks. The best approach is to call our HVAC pros to diagnose the problem and have it fixed.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001.

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