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How Long Can I Expect My AC to Last?


A central air conditioning system does an immense amount of work each summer to keep a home cool. As we’re now in the second half of summer, you might wonder how long it will take before all this work catches up with your home’s AC.

You can always arrange for repairs when the AC malfunctions, but at a certain point, you’ll face a system that costs too much to keep around and you’ll need to schedule air conditioning replacement in Dublin, GA. How long will your AC last? We’ll look into this question below so you can make plans at the appropriate time.

Estimated air conditioning system service lives

To the basic numbers: the average service life of a central air conditioning system is between 10 to 15 years. In general, we don’t recommend attempting to use an air conditioner beyond 15 years, even if it seems to be working fine.

Several factors can affect AC longevity, and you have control over most of them:

  • Maintenance history: The #1 way to get your AC to its maximum service life is to always schedule annual maintenance for it. Spring is the best time, but it’s never too late if the summer is already here. Without maintenance, an AC can potentially fail less than 10 years into its service life.
  • Work history: An AC that runs more often will wear down quicker, even with routine maintenance. You might think you don’t have control over this—hot weather is hot weather—but you can take steps to reduce AC use if you set your thermostat higher and rely on indoor fans to help keep you cool.
  • Repair history: We recommend you always have any problems with your AC fixed as soon as possible. Some air conditioning troubles, like odd noises or drainage issues, won’t initially interfere with an AC’s cooling ability, but these still need prompt attention. Running an air conditioner with a malfunction will increase wear and tear which can reduce its service life.

Don’t wait for your AC to fail before replacing it

You might think that making any plans to replace your air conditioner is premature as long as the unit is still turning on and running. You’ll replace it when the AC finally fails completely, past the point of reasonable repair. 

This is not a good idea! Pushing your AC too far past its replacement date will mean paying much higher electricity bills to stay cool—and probably less cool than you would like. An old air conditioner can also lead to poor indoor air quality. Finally, getting trapped with a busted AC means discomfort and inconvenience as you scramble to arrange for a new one. You want to replace your AC on your schedule, not the AC’s!

We’re here to help with your AC upgrade

Our team can make the entire replacement process easy for you so you can relax and enjoy a comfortable home. We’ll help you select the best new air conditioning system for your home and size it correctly, then do a speedy but complete installation. Our experience and attention to detail will ensure that you have a long-lasting new system.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001.

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