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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001


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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001



Let’s See If We Can Prevent AC Repairs This Summer


We feel confident when it comes to handling AC repair in Forsyth, GA that we can help you actually avoid most/all of those repairs during the coming summer. We know this sounds like a bad business strategy: why would we not want you to call our expert team to repair your air conditioning system? The reason is simple—we want happy customers and we want them to stay comfortable! Plus, there are ways we can help you stop most malfunctions that affect your AC, and that’s a pretty good business strategy. People who help stop emergencies: we’d love for you to see us this way.

But how can you prevent those AC malfunctions and breakdowns? And how can we help you? Follow along and let’s find out.

Schedule Spring AC Maintenance

Preventing AC repairs starts with proper maintenance. The best way to ensure your cooling system is ready for the summer is to schedule a comprehensive spring maintenance inspection and tune-up. We have the best way to help you: our Premier Maintenance Plan.

This plan will help catch any potential issues before they turn into full-blown problems, keeping your system in top shape. Maintenance can prevent more than 50% of repairs an air conditioner may need over its lifespan. There’s more: better energy-efficiency (you save more money!) and a longer system life for the AC. 

Regularly Change the Air Filter

A simple yet crucial step to preventing AC repairs is changing the air filter regularly. Over time, filters can become clogged with dust, dirt, and other debris, restricting airflow and causing your AC system to work harder. This extra strain can lead to overheating and extra wear and tear on your system. We recommend checking the filter once a month and replacing it as needed. 

Use Wise Thermostat Settings

The thermostat plays a key role in the overall performance of your AC. Using wise thermostat settings can help prevent unnecessary strain on the AC while maintaining the comfort you need. During the summer, set your thermostat a few degrees higher when you’re not at home or during the nighttime when it’s cooler outside. This will reduce the workload on your air conditioner, saving energy and preventing potential issues. 

We also recommend considering upgrading to a smart thermostat (we can do this for you!). These devices learn your habits and adjust temperatures accordingly, maximizing efficiency and reducing strain on your cooling system.

Replace an Old AC

While it may seem like a big move, replacing an old AC unit can save you from frequent repairs and ensure trouble-free cooling for years to come. Older air conditioning systems are more likely to experience breakdowns and efficiency problems, which means higher energy bills and costly repairs.

If your AC unit is more than 15 years old, consider replacing it with a new, energy-efficient model. Modern air conditioners are designed to operate more efficiently and with less stress on the system, meaning fewer breakdowns and lower bills. Investing in a new AC unit can also provide better indoor comfort and air quality for you and your family.

These steps will not only help you avoid repairs but also keep your home comfortable and energy efficient. Let’s work together to make this summer your most comfortable one yet!

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001. 

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