Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Watch for These Signs of an AC Compressor in Trouble

Monday, March 28th, 2022

All the parts of a central air conditioning system are important, but the compressor is at the top of the pyramid. Not only can an air conditioner not do its job with a failed compressor, but the end of a compressor’s lifespan often is the end of the whole air conditioner’s lifespan. This is because compressors are expensive components to replace, and it’s often more cost-effective to get a new AC if a compressor is no longer under warranty. 

However, if you know what to look and listen for, you can sometimes catch a dying compressor early and arrange to have expert technicians fix it. Below we’ve listed several of the warning signs of compressor troubles. Don’t hesitate to call us for repairs: the problem may not end up being the compressor, but you’ll still be glad you had professionals investigating early. You’ll have a much lower chance of getting caught with no cooling in your house during the summer. 

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Warning Sounds Your AC Might Make

Monday, March 28th, 2022

We know what you might be thinking. The cooling season just started so would you seriously need an air conditioner repair in Dublin this early? The truth is that you might.

But this isn’t a reflection on you. Older systems and systems that see a lot of heavy use are just more likely to need repairs, even earlier in the season. Maintenance can reduce the risk of this, of course, but repairs will still pop up.

The key is not to ignore these early repairs. Taking care of them now is going to make the rest of the season far easier and more comfortable for you.

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4 Reasons to Schedule AC Maintenance Today

Monday, March 14th, 2022

It might seem strange to go from discussing your heater one week to then discussing your air conditioner the next. And yet, with the way the weather around here can switch gears between one day and the next, it is great to be prepared.

When the warm weather hits, is your air conditioner going to be ready? You may think that it is, but with air conditioning maintenance in Dublin, GA you can be 100% sure. This is a service that our team proudly offers to residents in and around Dublin that helps get your AC system ready for the heavy work ahead.

Let’s look at a few reasons why you should book your appointment for maintenance today.

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It’s Almost Spring—Get on the Schedule for AC Maintenance!

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Spring is a strange time of the year for HVAC contractors. We’re used to a steady stream of calls in winter and summer from customers who need fast service to restore their broken heater or AC. Then the mild weather of spring comes along, and most people will need neither HVAC system operating.

This doesn’t mean we don’t stay busy—just a different kind of busy. Many homeowners choose this time of year to have old air conditioning systems replaced or to make upgrades on their systems. If you aren’t looking for a new AC, there still is an important service you need to arrange with our technicians: a regular maintenance tune-up and inspection. 

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5 Reasons to Go Ductless

Monday, October 25th, 2021

The time has come to upgrade your home comfort system. It barely functioned this summer and you are done wasting money trying to fix a system that simply needs to retire. We are on board with getting you better comfort at a lower cost!

Upgrading is a great idea to improve your comfort and drop those energy bills. Just make sure to consider all of the system options available to you. One system you should absolutely think about installing is a ductless mini split system. There is more than one reason why this may be a great system for your home.

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Giving Your AC a Mini Checkup

Monday, September 27th, 2021

The heat isn’t going away anytime soon. That means we are still going to be focusing on keeping our air conditioners in I’m working order for a bit longer. If you got an AC tune-up in spring or early summer, chances are that your system is still working well. However, whether you got AC maintenance or not, it is good to check-in and pay attention to how your system is functioning.

Your air conditioner shouldn’t have to break down to get the expert care it needs. In some cases, you may be able to catch the signs of problems simply by paying closer attention to the way your system is behaving. On that note, we provided a small “check-up”  that you can do on your air conditioner to see if there are any signs of trouble that require the help of an HVAC contractor in Dublin.

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AC Noises and What They Might Be Telling You

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Central air conditioners run quieter than ever before, which makes strange sounds more obvious. When you hear your AC starting to make noises you haven’t heard before, please don’t shrug them off. Often, these sounds are warnings to call our technicians for air conditioning repair in Conyers, GA.

Below is a list of some of the more common warning sounds you may hear from your AC and what they might mean.

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Why Your AC May Be Having Trouble With the Late Summer Heat

Monday, September 13th, 2021

The heat of summer rarely lets up in September. It often gets even more intense. You may have noticed that your air conditioning system, after encountering few troubles making your house a cool oasis, has started to struggle with comfort. For example… 

  • Some rooms are hotter than others
  • You’re pushing the thermostat setting lower than usual
  • The AC is staying on longer 

These are all signs of an air conditioner having trouble keeping up with the heat. Because an AC is sized to provide a house with the comfort level its occupants need, this failure indicates something is wrong with the air conditioner. We’ll look closer at what may be happening.

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3 Things You Need to Know About Refrigerant

Monday, August 16th, 2021

There are plenty of things your air conditioner requires to do its job. Refrigerant is one of the most important parts of your AC system that isn’t actually a “part.” Refrigerant is a chemical mixture that is circulated by the other parts of your AC system in order to accomplish a key goal: cooling the air.

While some of us may have a decent understanding of how air conditioners work, we’ve discovered that refrigerant and its role in your AC system are often some of the most misunderstood. We believe in educating our customers to help them be better equipped to know when to call us for help. To do that, we’ve provided some helpful facts that you should know about the refrigerant in your air conditioner.

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What AC Issues Can We Fix?

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

A reliable and trustworthy Warner Robbins air conditioning company can help homeowners identify and select the right AC for their needs. They should also offer timely air conditioner maintenance and repairs to add comfort and peace of mind to your life. These are the kinds of things you can expect from our team.

When you contact us to carry out AC repairs in a timely manner you will be able to save money by preventing more expensive issues. Regular maintenance also improves the efficiency of your AC and extends its life.

Let us look at some of the common AC problems and issues that we can help you fix.

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