An air conditioning system uses refrigerant to cool the air. This refrigerant is a blend of chemicals that can easily change between liquid and gaseous states by evaporating and condensing. By evaporating refrigerant in the indoor coil and condensing it in the outdoor coil, an air conditioner moves heat from inside the house to the outside.
Over the history of electro-mechanical air conditioning systems, there have been many different refrigerants. Very early air conditioners used ammonia, sulfur dioxide, methyl chloride, or propane—all of which are either toxic, combustible, or both. This limited the use of air conditioning systems to commercial and industrial buildings. Eventually, ACs were designed to use safer refrigerants, and this is where we come to Freon and Puron. People often have questions about what these names mean and if it has an effect on their air conditioning system. We are here with the answers.