Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Conyers’ Category

Ductless Systems Are Great for Heating Too

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Have you thought about installing ductless HVAC in Conyers, GA? A ductless mini split heat pump is a great system for anyone who wants to enjoy comfort in a home that doesn’t have the space for standard central ducted systems, as they also work for homes with difficult spots to properly keep comfortable. We’re big proponents of the benefits of ductless here at Conyers!

There’s something we want to emphasize about ductless systems that doesn’t get as much attention, but which deserves it: the heating capabilities of ductless mini splits. You often hear a discussion of ductless cooling systems and ductless air conditioning. The truth is that most ductless mini split systems are heat pumps—and that means they are both cooling and heating systems. When you have a ductless mini split heat pump installed, you’ll have two comfort issues taken care of.

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Your Ducts May Need to Be Sealed Before Winter

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Have you prepared your home heating system for winter? It’s not difficult to do—you only have to call a McDonough, GA, HVAC contractor to arrange for heating maintenance. We recently wrote about our excellent HVAC maintenance program and its benefits. It’s the best place to start for better and more energy-efficient comfort for your home this coming winter. 

This isn’t the only task your friendly local HVAC contractor can help you with for winter preparations. You may not realize it, but the ductwork in your house might have holes and gaps letting air escape from them. Leaky air ducts are a major problem for any home, but professionals can fix them with duct sealing services. If your house has leaky air ducts, we strongly recommend you schedule duct sealing before winter weather arrives.

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Let’s Look at the Pros and Cons of Different Heating Systems

Monday, October 12th, 2020

You’ve given serious thought to scheduling a heating system installation in Conyers, GA during the fall. If you aren’t certain about whether your current heater is ready for a replacement, we recommend calling our team for a consultation. We can provide regular heating maintenance services for your home and, during the inspection of the heater, we can tell you if it’s time for a replacement.

If you do decide on a replacement, the next question is “What type?” Below we’ll go over the major options for heating in your house and their pros and cons. Our technicians will help find the right solution for your specific needs.

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Is a Heat Pump a Good Option for Your Home?

Monday, September 28th, 2020

If you know about heat pumps, you probably know that they work as both heating and cooling systems. That sounds like a terrific advantage for a home: having all the comfort needs for the year contained in a single package rather than using a separate air conditioner and furnace. But if heat pumps were always the best choice, they would be in every home by now.

The truth is that—as with so many other home installations—there is no single right unit for all situations. A heat pump may be the perfect new system to install in your home this fall as you prepare for the change in seasons. Or there may be other options that would work better in terms of capacity and efficiency. We’ll look deeper into the question of “to heat pump or not to heat pump.”

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Sign Up for Our Maintenance Plan—It’s Almost Time for Heating Maintenance

Monday, September 14th, 2020

It’s still summer, the weather is still warm. But with fall around the corner, it’s already time for you to think about your regular heating maintenance in Conyers, GA to prep your central heating system for the rest of the year.

And there’s an easy way to do that: sign up for our Energy Savings Agreement! This isn’t just an investment in your heating, but for your air conditioning as well, so there’s no such thing as a bad time to enroll. But right now is one of the ­best times, since it’s almost time to schedule heating maintenance.

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What Are the Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioning?

Monday, August 31st, 2020

If you look around at our air conditioning services for Conyers, GA the rest of South Metro Atlanta, you’ll see ductless systems. Also called a ductless mini split heat pump, this is a type of HVAC installation that, well, does what the name says: it works at providing comfort without the need for ducts.

The standard for central AC for decades has been a split system air conditioner that attaches to a ventilation network of ducts that travels between walls and through the attic to reach the rooms. Ductless systems can deliver comfort around a house without a single foot of ductwork.

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Why Did My AC Trip the Circuit Breaker?

Monday, August 17th, 2020

This is a common summer heat wave problem in Georgia. The air conditioner in your home is whirring and humming to keep the house cool. Suddenly, it stops: no fans, no air from the vents, no cooling, nothing. Not even a sound from it. You go to check the electrical panel (and this is the first place to look when the AC stops working) and discover the circuit breaker labeled for the air conditioner has tripped.

You can reset the breaker to get the air conditioner working once more. But why did this happen in the first place and is it a sign of trouble with the air conditioner that may need to be fixed?

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Be Comfort-Wise With Your Thermostat!

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

You know how a thermostat works. You’ve probably been around them in the homes you’ve lived in throughout your life. When you want the house to be cooler, you lower the setting. When you want the house to be warmer, you raise it. You can also turn the fan on and off, maybe a few other little features, but that’s it.

However, it isn’t as simple as we’ve described it. In our experience as HVAC experts, we’ve seen people make many mistakes with their thermostat settings so they end up wasting energy and not getting the comfort they need. Sending the thermostat setting zig-zagging through a summer day depending on how you currently feel can mean higher bills than necessary and a house that goes hot and cold rather than where you need it.

We’re going to give you the knowledge you need to be “comfort wise”!

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Why Can’t My AC Keep Up With the Heat?

Monday, July 20th, 2020

This isn’t a fun situation to find yourself in: a hot summer day when you have to turn on your home’s AC to stay comfortable, but the air conditioner is just … not … making it. The system comes on, you feel cool air coming from the vents, but the house is still too warm. Maybe some rooms are fine, but others are swelteringly hot and its got your family complaining about it.

There may be a simple explanation for this and you’ll only need to do some basic troubleshooting. Or you may have a situation where you’ll need to call us for air conditioning repair in Conyers, GA. We’ll help you find out the best route to take … simply follow below.

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Repair or Replace? The Big Question With an Air Conditioning System

Monday, July 6th, 2020

When the summer heat starts and you notice that your home’s central air conditioning system isn’t working as well as it should, or isn’t delivering any cold air at all, you’ll face a big question: Is it time for an air conditioning repair or an air conditioning replacement in Conyers, GA?

In many cases, the answer will be straightforward. If your air conditioner is only a few years old and still under warranty, you’ll probably only need to have it repaired. When you trust professionals like those on our team, you’ll have the system fixed so it will continue to work for many more years at the same level of efficiency and power.

When you have an old air conditioner, the situation becomes more complicated. Let’s delve deeper into the “repair or replace?” question and see what we can find.

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