Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Conyers’ Category

Ductless Heating and Cooling Can Save You Money—Here’s How

Monday, December 4th, 2023

For many decades, central HVAC systems in homes stayed pretty much the same. An air conditioner and a furnace connected to a network of ducts reaching out to vents around the house. A single powerful blower sent the heated or cooled air into the ductwork to provide an even spread of comfort. 

Although this type of HVAC system worked well for years, there was room for improvement. Such as finding a way to remove ducts from the equation. Today, we have the option for ductless air conditioning and ductless heating in Riverdale, GA through ductless mini split heat pumps. Using a ductless system in a home has several advantages, and one of the most appealing is that it can save the homeowner money.

If you’re interested in how the installation of a ductless mini split heat pump can lower your comfort costs, follow us below.

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How a Faulty Thermostat Can Make a Lot of Trouble in Your House

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Compared to the furnace, air conditioner, and ductwork of your HVAC system, the thermostat is physically a small component. But, without a thermostat, you don’t have a functioning HVAC system at all because you can’t communicate with it. The thermostat in your home is essential for your heating and cooling system to operate at all, so even small thermostat issues can have a significant impact on energy use and indoor comfort.

To help you better understand when you’ll need to call professionals for thermostat repair in McDonough, GA, we’re going to look over the ways thermostat problems can create bigger and wider problems for your home.

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Should You Replace Your AC and Furnace With a Heat Pump?

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Heat pumps are increasing in popularity all around the country as they become a high-profile option to replace traditional heating and cooling systems. Heat pumps work to both cool and heat a space, easily switching between two modes with only an adjustment to the thermostat, and they have several other advantages that make them attractive to homeowners.

So the question for you is: Are you one of those homeowners who’ll benefit from replacing their current AC and furnace to a heat pump? We’ll look at this in more detail below. You can always rely on the assistance of our team of experts whenever you need help with your home comfort system.

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Will an Air Purifier Make a Difference in Your Home?

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

You’re interested in enjoying better air quality in your house, but you aren’t certain that scheduling air purifier services in Covington, GA will make a difference. What if the purifier doesn’t really do much, or you get the wrong type of air purifier?

We’ll address your questions about the efficacy of air purifiers in this post, as well as give you some information about how to make the best use of an indoor air quality (IAQ) system.

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Want to Avoid a Malfunctioning Heater This Winter? Schedule Maintenance Now!

Monday, October 9th, 2023

We know you’re probably busy with October festivities and the excitement of fall. You don’t want to think about winter weather just yet. 

But fall is the ideal time to take care of several winter preparations—and one of the most important is having your heating system professionally maintained. Regular maintenance does a lot of great things for your heating system, and one of the most important is that it eliminates the need for most heater repair in Covington, GA. You don’t want your valuable time in your home during the winter interrupted by a malfunctioning heater.

Below, we’re going to look at how maintenance will make your life easier (and less costly) this coming winter. Once you’re ready to go, contact our team to schedule your all-important maintenance appointment. Our Energy Savings Agreement makes maintenance even more beneficial than it already is!

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How Long Can I Expect My AC to Last?

Monday, September 25th, 2023

The quick and easy answer to the question “How long can I expect an AC to last?” is “Between 10 to 15 years.” However, that’s not the question in the title. The answer to “How long can I expect my AC to last?” is more complex, but we’re going to approach it in this post.

The short version of the answer we’re about to give is that your AC’s service life expectancy depends on several factors, such as how well it’s maintained and if it’s always received prompt AC repair in Conyers, GA when it needs it. If you want to get the longest effective lifespan from your air conditioning system, you’ll need to see that it gets the best treatment.

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The Ways That Ignoring AC Repairs Can Cost You!

Monday, September 11th, 2023

It’s almost the end of summer and you soon won’t have to rely on your air conditioner as much. (Although the summer heat can linger well into October here in Georgia.) This doesn’t mean that you can go ahead and ignore signs you’ve got a faulty unit that needs AC repair in Conyers, GA. Quite the opposite. Neglecting air conditioning repair needs can cost you plenty, and we don’t just mean in terms of money.

Below we’ll look at the different ways that ignoring AC repairs can do damage to your pocket book, your family’s comfort, and even the environment.

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How You Benefit From Regular Duct Cleaning

Monday, August 28th, 2023

You probably feel like you’ve always got a million things to take care of. Adding one more task into your personal in-box is not something you want to deal with. So when we recommend that you schedule routine duct cleaning in McDonough, GA for your home, you’ll feel tempted to push it off.

We’re not advising that you have duct cleaning done every year. This isn’t a burdensome commitment, and our team does all the hard work. You only have to contact us to arrange for us to come to your house for a few hours to do the job.

We understand that you’ll want to know the “why” of the job. Is it really beneficial to you and your household to have the ducts cleaned every three to five years? The answer is “yes,” and we’ll to explain why below.

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Can I Add a Central AC to My Home?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

If you’ve had to rely on window air conditioners to cool your home, we’re bet you’re quite sick of them by now. Window ACs are adequate solutions for small studio apartments, but when it comes to cooling a house they won’t cut it. Not only do they lack the cooling power to do much, they block windows, make a lot of noise, and look unpleasant both inside and outside. 

But can you have a central AC in installation in Riverdale, GA? If you live in an older house that doesn’t have ductwork, you might think it’s impossible. It’s not! We’ll explain how we can help you ditch those old window air conditioners and enjoy genuine central cooling throughout the rooms.

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Why Your AC Is Running for So Long

Monday, July 17th, 2023

When your air conditioning system won’t turn on, you know it needs help, probably from professionals who offer HVAC repair in Covington, GA like us. You may not have considered that the opposite problem can occur—an AC that won’t shut off or which runs in cycles much longer than 15 minutes—but it does happen. If it’s happening in your house right now, you’ll want to know what’s going on and to do about it.

An AC that’s running for much longer than it should is a problem all on its own, since it will waste energy and make your house too cold. What could cause this? We’ll look into the possibilities below.

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