You would never set sail on the ocean, or even a small river or lake, with a leaky boat. But plenty of homeowners are content to run their heating and cooling systems with leaky ducts. They often don’t realize that they have ducts with leaks, but even if they do know, they may shrug it off as not that big a deal.
Although leaky ducts won’t put your life at risk the way a leaky boat would, it’s still not a good situation. When ducts develop air leaks, they cause several problems for a home:
- A rise in heating and cooling costs because of all the air that’s getting away
- Poor comfort, with hot and cold spots appearing around the house and poor airflow from the vents
- Dust and other unwanted particles getting into the the ductwork and then into the living spaces
The best way to counteract this problem is to arrange for professional duct sealing in Riverdale, GA with our team. We’ll use our training and the best tools available to make your ducts airtight once again.