Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Conyers’ Category

Why Won’t My Electric Furnace Heat Up Enough?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Because we don’t get winters as deeply cold as more northern states, many of our homes can get by through the winter with the power of an electric furnace. Electric furnaces don’t have the heating capacity of gas furnaces, but they can still do the job of providing warmth around a house. They also have the advantage of fewer malfunctions and long service lives. 

But the reliability of an electric furnace isn’t ironclad. You may run into a problem where your electric furnace turns on, but you aren’t getting the usual level of heat from it, even if you crank up the thermostat as high as possible. What’s causing this?

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Should You Have a New Heating System Installed Before Winter?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

If you’re asking yourself a question like this, it means you have doubts about your current home heating system. You wonder if it will get through the winter, or if it will work as well as your family needs it to. Perhaps you think the system costs too much to run now, and that making a switch to a new high-efficiency heating system is a smart idea. 

We’ve handled many a heating installation in Covington, GA during our time in business. We’ve served South Metro Atlanta since 2001, and we know a great deal about the different heating systems and how to match a home with the right one. We also know when a heating system has run its course and it’s ready for a replacement. In this post, we’ll share some of our knowledge about when to replace a central heater. But if you want the best advice, simply call us. We’ll not only help you make the choice, we’ll do the exact work you need.

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Why Are Most Commercial HVAC Units on the Roof?

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Did you know we offer service for commercial heating and commercial AC in Dublin, GA? Yes, we’re proud to help out local businesses when it comes to staying cool. We have more than 20 years of history working in the area and we know all about the best way to deliver the ideal climate conditions to businesses, from stores to restaurants to offices to manufacturing.

Here’s one question we often hear from people about commercial HVAC. It’s something that’s tickled their brains for years, but they never thought to just ask about it. “Why are most commercial HVAC units located up on the roof of the building?” With home air conditioning systems, the HVAC cabinet is usually located on the perimeter of the home. 

We sometimes joke that HVAC units are put on the roof because they make convenient obstacles for shootouts and rooftop chases in Hollywood movies. But of course, the truth is a bit more mundane…

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When Will You Need to Install a New AC for Your House?

Monday, October 10th, 2022

We’re almost at the time of year when air conditioners will go on a long hiatus. That doesn’t mean you should forget about your own air conditioner, however. This might be the best time for you to replace your AC if it is finally reaching the end of its service life.

How will you know if this fall is the “best time”? When is it time for an AC installation in Riverdale, GA? We’ll examine this below so you’ll have a better idea if you’re ready to get a new air conditioner.

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Signs You Need Commercial HVAC Repairs

Monday, September 26th, 2022

The size of commercial facilities can sometimes make it difficult to detect early when there are problems with their HVAC systems. But early detection is critical if you want to avoid costly shutdowns of your business because of a failed air conditioner or heater. The sooner you call experts for help to investigate the HVAC units, diagnose problems, and fix them, the easier and less expensive the work will be—and you’ll head off a future indoor climate disaster.

Here are some of the most common signs of a commercial HVAC system that requires professional repairs:

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AC Not Working? Try These 6 Troubleshooting Steps First

Monday, September 12th, 2022

The end of summer is a serious “danger zone” for even the best air conditioning system. Professional maintenance in the spring will give your air conditioner the best chance of getting through the full season and into the early fall without major troubles. However, the strain from working for several months can still overwhelm an AC, no matter how well cared-for, and require you to call our team for AC repair in Conyers, GA.

But if your AC stops working, we recommend you go through several troubleshooting steps first before you contact us. A simple issue may be the source of the AC’s trouble, and you might be able to clear it up on your own. 

You can tackle these six steps in any order:

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How Your AC’s Compressor Could Fail

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Dealing with a heat wave requires an air conditioner to do an immense amount of work. In our last post, we offered advice on how you can alleviate some of the strain on your home’s air conditioner so it can make it through the rest of the summer. Today, we’re going to focus on the essential component of your AC that you want to keep in the best shape: the compressor. This part of the AC works the hardest to keep the entire system running and cooling the house. If it fails, it’s often more cost-effective to replace the entire air conditioner rather than just the compressor.

How can a compressor end up failing? There are several ways, and we’ll look at the most common. If you fear you have a compressor at the edge of burning out, call us right away for air conditioning repair in Conyers, GA

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Helping Your AC Help You Through a Heat Wave

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The second half of this summer is a scorcher, and it’s going to keep up for a stretch. This is one of those times when you’ll most appreciate your central air conditioning system. It changes your home into a relaxing refuge from the heat. And the last thing you want to happen to it now is for it to suddenly fail. You can, of course, call our expert team for air conditioning repair in Loganville, GA, or elsewhere in our wide service area. We know you’d rather not have to do that because no one wants to be trapped in a boiling house for any length of time. 

We want to help you avoid an AC emergency and get your cooling system through the rest of the hot summer without problems. Below are some tips for giving your AC the help necessary for a worry-free remainder of the summer.

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Why an Oversized AC Is a Truly “Big” Problem

Monday, July 18th, 2022

In a recent post, we debunked several common myths about air conditioning systems. We didn’t have space for all the major misconceptions people have about ACs (there are plenty!), but we wanted to write a specific blog post about one we didn’t include because it deserves special attention. This is the myth that “There’s no such thing as an air conditioner that’s too powerful.” Or, in HVAC terms, “an oversized AC.”

When people are looking for a new air conditioning installation in Conyers, GA, they often fall into the mistaken belief that it’s better to err on the side of an AC that’s too powerful rather than one that’s not powerful enough. It’s easy to see why this is a common belief. If the AC provides too much cooling, you can just adjust the thermostat, right? 

However, the sizing of an air conditioning system for a house is complex, and both undersized and oversized ACs create problems. An undersized AC won’t be able to cool the house fully, and an oversized AC will … well, we’ll get into that below.

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How Long Should My AC’s Compressor Run?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

One of the small pleasures of the summer season is the satisfying thunk noise of the compressor in an air conditioning system turning on. As this part of the AC goes to work, it means cool, refreshing air will soon flow from vents around the house. 

If you’ve lived with a central air conditioning system before, then you’ll know its compressor doesn’t run constantly when you have the air conditioner turned to cool off the home. Instead, it runs periodically and then powers down for a stretch. These periods are known as cooling cycles, and they help to keep the temperature in a house from becoming too cold and to prevent the compressor (the most powerful part of an AC and the one that uses the most electricity) from overheating. But how long should the compressor run at a time?

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