Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Conyers’ Category

What Size AC Do I Need for My House?

Monday, April 11th, 2022

If you’re currently looking for a new air conditioning installation in Conyers, GA to deal with the upcoming summer, we’re glad you’re asking a question like this. The size of an air conditioning system is one of the most important factors in choosing which AC to install. It’s not something you want to get wrong either. Go too big or too small, and you’ll have an air conditioner that doesn’t do what you need and will cost you far too much to do a bad job.

The good news is that you don’t have to make this choice yourself. It’s best to leave sizing a new AC to professionals like ours. Below we’ll get into why sizing an air conditioner is so important and how we find out the right size AC for a house.

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Watch for These Signs of an AC Compressor in Trouble

Monday, March 28th, 2022

All the parts of a central air conditioning system are important, but the compressor is at the top of the pyramid. Not only can an air conditioner not do its job with a failed compressor, but the end of a compressor’s lifespan often is the end of the whole air conditioner’s lifespan. This is because compressors are expensive components to replace, and it’s often more cost-effective to get a new AC if a compressor is no longer under warranty. 

However, if you know what to look and listen for, you can sometimes catch a dying compressor early and arrange to have expert technicians fix it. Below we’ve listed several of the warning signs of compressor troubles. Don’t hesitate to call us for repairs: the problem may not end up being the compressor, but you’ll still be glad you had professionals investigating early. You’ll have a much lower chance of getting caught with no cooling in your house during the summer. 

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It’s Almost Spring—Get on the Schedule for AC Maintenance!

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Spring is a strange time of the year for HVAC contractors. We’re used to a steady stream of calls in winter and summer from customers who need fast service to restore their broken heater or AC. Then the mild weather of spring comes along, and most people will need neither HVAC system operating.

This doesn’t mean we don’t stay busy—just a different kind of busy. Many homeowners choose this time of year to have old air conditioning systems replaced or to make upgrades on their systems. If you aren’t looking for a new AC, there still is an important service you need to arrange with our technicians: a regular maintenance tune-up and inspection. 

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Even at the End of Winter, Never Delay Scheduling Repairs!

Monday, February 28th, 2022

The weather is warming up as we move into March—although it’s not yet spring, and March is notorious for hurling cold weather surprises at us. However, you’ll soon begin wrapping up the time of year when you run your home’s heater the most. With warmer weather on the horizon, you’ll find it tempting to put aside any repairs you think the heating system may require. “It can’t be too urgent, and I won’t need the heater that often anyway,” you may think.

But heating repair in Covington, GA is important to schedule promptly, no matter the season or the upcoming weather forecast. If your heating system is acting strangely or isn’t working right, call us as soon as you can to arrange for our technicians to fix it. 

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How Your Furnace’s Ignition System Works

Monday, February 14th, 2022

You might still have a furnace that uses a standing pilot light to ignite the burners, but this style of furnace ignition is fading away as improved technology takes over. Fewer new furnace models use standing pilot lights, and if the current furnace you have was built after 2010, then it almost certainly uses a different type of ignition system—an electronic one. 

The year 2010 was when most natural gas furnaces shifted from standing pilot lights to types of electronic ignition. If you want to know how these ignition systems work, you’ve come to the right place.

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Can I Fix My Furnace Myself?

Monday, January 17th, 2022

We know that when it’s cold outside and your home’s furnace stops working, you’ll want it repaired as fast as possible. This makes it tempting to see if you can do the repairs yourself—maybe you can find an online guide that will show you how. You might even be able to save money if you do the repairs on your own.

There’s nothing wrong with doing basic troubleshooting with your furnace to see if there’s a simple reason why it isn’t running properly. But, troubleshooting is different from trying to actually repair a furnace: opening up the cabinet and using tools to fix a problem. We can’t stress this enough: do not attempt to repair your furnace if you cannot find a basic explanation for why it’s not working. Always call for licensed professionals for your furnace repairs in Decatur, GA.

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A Heating Repair You May Not Have Thought Of: Fixing the Ducts!

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

You want your heating and cooling system to function efficiently, but you aren’t sure what kind of heating repairs in Decatur, GA that it needs to operate at its best.

One item to add to your to-do list is repairing your ducts. The ducts are responsible for transporting cool or warm air from the central portion of your HVAC system to different areas of your home.

Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of fixing your ductwork, including a few signs that your ducts need repairs.

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Are Gas Furnaces Dangerous to Have in Homes?

Monday, December 20th, 2021

Any natural gas-burning appliance in a house has the potential to become hazardous. This is true of any appliance that burns any type of fuel. Electrical devices can create dangers from high voltage shocks or electrical fires. 

This is a way of showing that, although a gas furnace can present dangers for a house, it isn’t much different in that way than many other appliances you use regularly. Because of the power of gas furnaces, people often find them intimidating and worry about them more—but if they were significant dangers, they would never be allowed into residential homes in the first place.

Your gas furnace can create hazards for your house, but you can prevent most of them through some basic steps. Modern gas furnaces are built to high standards of safety, and with the proper attention, you can minimize the possible harm to almost nothing. That’s what we’ll focus on in the rest of this post.

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Want to Pay Less for Heating This Winter? Here’s What You Can Do

Monday, December 6th, 2021

When cold weather arrives, the cost to heat your house rises. That’s common sense and you expect it, just the way you expect to pay more to run your AC during the summer.

You’d like to pay less for home heating, of course, but you may not think that’s possible. “Heat costs are what they are,” you might say. But the truth is really that heating costs are often more than they should be. You don’t have to be a fatalist about heating costs—you can take steps to pay less and still enjoy comfort. 

We offer several heating services in Conyers, GA that can help you wrangle control over your heating bills this season. There are also several steps you can take on your own to help. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

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Why Is My Heater Shutting Off Early?

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

The HVAC system in your home is designed to turn on the heating system when the thermostat registers that the household needs warmth. The thermostat signals the heater to start its heating cycle, and then it runs until the thermostat detects the home’s temperature has reached its target setting. The thermostat then has the heater cycle down until it’s needed again.

As the winter temperatures continue to fall, you’ll notice your heating system will run in longer cycles. This is normal: your house will lose more heat to the outside, requiring the heater to run for longer to reach your desired temperature. (We recommend a setting of 68°F, which not only makes the heater run less often but also slows down heat loss to the outdoors.) 

But you may be experiencing something … different. A heater that seems to run in shorter and shorter cycles, shutting off early before it can heat up the house enough, then turning back on a short time later and repeating the process. Why is your heater doing this? And what can you do about it?

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