Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Dublin’ Category

The Difference Our Commercial Services Make

Monday, January 18th, 2021

If you come to our team for residential HVAC services, then you may be interested to know that we provide commercial services too. This means that, whether you run a retail store or an office space, we can use our expertise and dedication to customer service to keep your commercial space as comfortable as possible.

Did you know about our commercial services in Dublin, GA? If not, let us give you a quick look at what we can do to keep your commercial environment optimally comfortable. We believe in investing in our community and that includes our local businesses!

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New Year, New Heater?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Out with the old and in with the new!

It’s a common phrase we’ve all heard, but one that will make you hesitate when it comes to your heater. Do you really need a new heater? Can’t you get by for a bit longer with ol’ trusty and sort-of-rusty? For starters, if you have a furnace that has rust on it, you definitely need a new system! But beyond that there are other indicators to watch for that will let you know the time has come.

Check out the indicators listed here that now is a great time to invest in a new heating system. And, when you are ready, reach out to us for your replacement heating services in Warner Robins, GA.

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Give Yourself the Gift of Timely Repairs

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Everyone keeps asking what you want for Christmas, and you may not have anything to tell them. However, we have a great idea that you may enjoy: heat pump repair in Dublin, GA. This is going to help you keep comfortable during the coldest months of the year without it costing you an arm and a leg.

With the expert repairs that we offer, you can rest assured that your heat pump is going to operate properly when you need it the most. It is a great gift for the holidays because it benefits you and everyone else in your home.

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5 Signs Your Heater Needs Help

Monday, December 7th, 2020

The sun might be out today or tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean it is warm. It can be a bit of a shock to walk outside into a clear, sunny day and get hit with air that is a brisk 61º. But as long as you have a working heater, you have a safe warm haven to run back to.

The problems start when you go inside and your home is just as cold as it is outside. You find yourself wondering what in the world happened to your heater—and for good reason. If your heater is in good condition, it should keep your home cozy unless someone turns it off. But you checked and the thermostat says your system is running. So what’s the deal?

Chances are you need heating repairs in Dublin. Here are some signs to watch for that will tell you it is time to contact a pro.

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Is Your Heater Ready?

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Temperatures around here are starting to drop. We are all a little excited to be able to pull out the sweaters and heavy blankets and we are looking forward to movie nights on the couch. With that said, you shouldn’t need an excessive number of blankets to get warm.

If you aren’t sure whether or not your heater is ready to stand up to, well, the weather, we can help. You can reach out to Premier Heating & Air to schedule an appointment with a Warner Robins HVAC contractor who can assess your heater’s state and address its needs. With the help of our pros, you can enjoy a warm winter season without any hassle.

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How We Can Help Your Heat Pump

Monday, November 9th, 2020

The climate around here can certainly give any heat pump a run for its money. It’s cold and rainy one day and then warm and humid the next. It can almost make you envious of those states that have fully delved into the consistent cool temps related to the fall and winter seasons … almost.

However, many of us love our climate even with all its wild ups and downs. And having a heat pump mini split in your home makes it easy to handle since this one system does the job of two. This can also mean, however, that your heat pump needs twice the attention from a technician to keep it running.

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Let Us Handle Those Spooky AC Noises

Monday, October 26th, 2020

We know that a lot of people can get a bit more “on edge” the closer we get to Halloween. Suddenly those odd noises that your home makes go from harmless to creepy. But we don’t want you to worry because, as long as your AC isn’t creaking out a full sentence, any noise it makes is more than likely a sign that it needs help from a professional technician instead of a priest.

While the idea of an air conditioning repair can be scary (especially with the price tag that is attached) you can rest easy when you work with us. We are the HVAC company in Warner Robbins that will fix your AC in a timely and affordable manner.

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How Poor Home Comfort Can Mess With Working From Home

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Many individuals are working from home still, and still more of us have fully switched over to working from home for the foreseeable future. While this has been great for increased safety, it may not always be the best for everyone’s concentration. This is especially true for anyone whose home comfort isn’t what it needs to be.

The truth is that uncomfortable temperatures and poor air quality can have a strongly negative impact on your concentration while you are at home. And no amount of coffee, hot or iced, will help. However, professional services can help to address the problems with your home comfort so you can enjoy improved concentration again.

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3 Ways Dust Can Destroy Your Home Comfort

Monday, September 28th, 2020

When you look at those calming rays of light coming in through your window, do you see a host of dust particles floating around in the air too? Or maybe you noticed that, despite dusting around you home on a regular basis, there seems to be no end to the layers of dust on the tables and chairs when you look at them? Dust may not seem like much more than an annoyance but the reality is that it can be a huge hindrance to your home comfort.

If you didn’t realize that the quality of the air in your home can have such a big impact on your comfort, we are glad to be the ones to share that information with you. We are also happy to be the professionals to tell you that there are solutions to the problem of dusty air in your home.

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The Role of Attic Insulation in Keeping You Comfortable

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Do you ever take a moment to think about the insulation that is built into your home? If the answer is no, that’s perfectly normal. Not many people do other than those of us whose job it is to keep track of it! With that said, we know that keeping our customers informed helps them be more in control of their home comfort. That is why we want to tell you a bit more about your attic insulation in Dublin, GA so you can learn how important this “out of sight, out of mind” part of your home is. What’s more, we can also provide the services that keep your insulation in a state that will help your comfort rather than hinder it

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