Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Dublin’ Category

5 Noises Your Air Conditioner Shouldn’t Make

Monday, August 31st, 2020

High heat and humidity seem to be the name of the weather game pretty constantly nowadays. It won’t last forever (thank goodness), but while the forecast keeps showing those high temperatures, it is good to be able to know your AC unit can at least keep you comfortable until the climate shifts. But, wait … what is that noise you’re hearing coming from your air conditioner?

We all know that air conditioning systems aren’t built to run silently. But this doesn’t mean that every noise they make is normal. If your AC system has been creating noises you’ve never heard it make before, it means that it is time to check in with our technicians to see if you need AC repairs in Dublin.

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3 AC Options You Should Know About For Choosing Your Next System

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Uh-oh, did your air conditioner just give out? Hopefully not, but if your system seems to be on its last leg, you should start planning for an AC replacement before you are completely without any cooling power. We all know how important it is to have a working AC system when you live here, so we offer effective and expedited AC replacement services in Dublin, GA.

When you contact us for your replacement service, we will need you to answer a question first: “What AC system are we installing in place of your old one?” If you aren’t sure how to answer that, it’s okay! We can give you some extra information on the types of AC systems out there that we can install in your home.

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Should You Consider an Indoor Air Quality System?

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Have you ever walked into a home or building and you could feel that the air quality was poor? Whether that feeling emanates from high indoor humidity, excessive dust levels, or other factors, bad air quality is going to be a noticeable problem. The question is, have you started noticing that the air in your own home isn’t as clean and fresh as it needs to be?

If your home’s indoor air quality isn’t where it needs to be, we can help. Our professional technicians can assess your indoor air quality needs and pair you with the best Dublin indoor air quality system that can boost your home comfort and efficiency.

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Is It Time for an AC Replacement?

Monday, July 20th, 2020

What’s one of the worst things that can happen in your home during a big heatwave? If you are like us, the answer may be having your air conditioner give out completely. Being without any source of cool air when temperatures are at their highest is a nightmare, but we can help you get through it.

Our air conditioning replacement services are just what you need when your cooling system gives up the ghost at the worst possible moment. We can restore your home comfort quickly so you don’t have to sweat through summer.

It is beneficial to know what the warning signs are that your AC is on its last leg before it completely breaks down.

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5 AC Repairs You May Need

Monday, July 6th, 2020

Now that summer is in full swing, your air conditioner is going to be working a lot more often and a lot harder than it has been during the past several months. This is going to put wear and tear on your AC unit pretty quick, which can lead to the discovery of certain repair needs you should get taken care of sooner than later.

If your air conditioner needs to be repaired, our team of professionals will be able to provide the services you need to fix whatever is wrong. If you aren’t sure whether or not you need repairs, consider these potential problems that air conditioners may run into during the summer season and see if they sound familiar.

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Summertime Tips to Stay Cool

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Georgia seems to have turned up the heat, which means a lot of us will be holing up at home and trying to keep cool a little more often. If you have an up-to-date air conditioning system, keeping cool shouldn’t be all that hard–paying the energy bills might be tough, however!

Sometimes those monthly energy bills will be a lot more expensive than you expected and it may be because your air conditioner is having to fight to keep things cool. With that said, we are happy to tell you that there are a few different ways to help your AC system out so you can stay comfortable without a high price tag.

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The Difference of a Professional Technician

Monday, June 8th, 2020

When you need to replace your air conditioner or get an issue within your HVAC system addressed, who would you contact first? Would your first instinct be to contact a professional HVAC technician in Dublin, GA, or would you instead contact an amateur or try a DIY solution found online?

While we know there are plenty of people who might try the second or third option, we want you to know that the first option is your best choice. If you don’t already know what kind of a difference a professional technician can make, we want to give you some information.

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Check Out Our Blog for Advice on All Things HVAC

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Be sure to bookmark the Premier Heating & Air’s blog to start learning the ins and outs of HVAC.

We’ll regularly post energy saving tips, how-to’s on troubleshooting your systems, and breakdowns on even the most complex industry related terms and concepts.

Need help now? Send us a message or get in touch today.

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Welcome to Our New Website

Friday, May 1st, 2020

iMarket Solutions has launched Premier Heating & Air’s new custom website. To learn more about how iMarket Solutions can expand your presence on the web visit:

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