Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Dublin’ Category

Save on Energy Bills With a Home Energy Audit

Monday, April 24th, 2023
Man calculating cost savings from energy

More and more consumers are becoming concerned about energy usage. Not only does energy usage affect the planet, but it also directly impacts your wallet. As homeowners, the choices you make about your home’s appliances and HVAC systems influence how much you pay for utilities.

Many homeowners would like to know how to determine exactly how energy-efficient their homes are but don’t know if something like that is possible, let alone where to start. That’s why we perform home energy audits in Vidalia, GA. This amazing service determines how much energy your household actually uses, where energy losses are occurring, and what problem areas should be prioritized to ensure optimal efficiency.

Keep reading about a home energy audit and how it can pay for itself through increased energy efficiency in your home.

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Central AC Vs Heat Pumps for Georgia’s Climate

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Central air conditioning systems are tried-and-true methods of cooling a home. When the temperatures and humidity levels climb, you can count on your central AC to keep your home nice and cool. 

When it’s time to choose a new cooling system for your home, you might be considering a heat pump instead of a central AC in Warner Robins, GA. You’ve undoubtedly heard about heat pumps since they’re a popular option now. But what you might not know is whether a heat pump can handle Georgia’s heat as well as a traditional AC system. 

Let’s look at both types of systems so you can be an informed consumer when it’s time to make the choice.

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Spring AC Maintenance Checklist

Friday, March 24th, 2023

You’ve probably heard the saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” This idiom is supposed to illustrate that the month of March usually starts off with cold, inclement weather but that by the end of the month, the weather is supposed to be mild, like a lamb.

Well, whoever made that up obviously didn’t live in Georgia. We’ve already had some hot, humid days that haven’t felt mild at all. You’ve undoubtedly made the abrupt switch to using your air conditioner already and have likely neglected AC maintenance in Dublin, GA. That’s why we’ve created this checklist of spring AC maintenance so you can be sure your air conditioner will see you through what looks to be a hot, sweltering summer ahead.

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Spring Allergies, Duct Cleaning, and Indoor Air Quality

Monday, March 13th, 2023

There’s a lot to love about springtime. Sunny days, warmer temperatures, spending more time outdoors, and the promise of summer. There are also some not-so-nice things about the spring season and one of these is the fact that it heralds allergy season.

Anyone who suffers from allergies knows it’s no joke. The constant sniffling, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes are guaranteed to put a damper on your enjoyment of spring. Taking allergy medications helps, but also causes unwanted side effects. 

Many allergy sufferers just put up with it, thinking there’s not much they can do. That’s where we come in. For any home with allergy sufferers or anyone who’s concerned about their indoor air quality (IAQ), read on to learn how duct services in Vidalia, GA can improve your IAQ along with the enjoyment of spring.

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Your Next Heating Installation: The Ductless Mini Split

Monday, February 27th, 2023

The heating season is just about over here in Georgia and you have a good idea of how your heater performed over the winter. How would you rate it on a scale of one to ten? If your heater didn’t mak e the grade this winter, perhaps it’s time to consider heating installation in Warner Robins, GA. 

You might be thinking that with our temperate winters, having a heating system that works amazingly isn’t that necessary. What if we told you there’s a way you could replace your outdated heater with a two-in-one system that’ll heat your home well in the winter and handle your air conditioning needs for the rest of the year? That’s literally cool, right?

A ductless mini split could be the home comfort system you didn’t know you needed. Read on to learn more about why these systems are gaining in popularity among homeowners who’re looking to solve multiple home comfort issues with these versatile, mini wonders.

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Late Season Furnace Maintenance Tips

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Spring is just around the corner and that means you’ll soon be making the transition from using your furnace to using your air conditioner if you haven’t done so already. But just because you’ll be using your furnace less doesn’t mean it’s okay to neglect furnace maintenance in Dublin, GA. 

The promise of warmer weather often inspires homeowners to tackle those home maintenance tasks they’ve been neglecting. Your furnace deserves some TLC after working hard to keep your home warm for the last few months. Here are some late-season maintenance tasks you can do to help ensure your furnace gets you through the rest of winter and prepare it for next season.

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New Year, New Air: Duct Cleaning and Your Health

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Many people make New Year’s resolutions related to their health. They vow to eat better, exercise more, and drink plenty of water. Those goals can get really specific such as cutting out specific food groups or quitting smoking. Perhaps you’ve made some specific health-related resolutions this year.

Although specific, actionable goals are good, a lot of people don’t think about simple things that influence our health on a daily basis. For example, your indoor air quality plays a significant role in the healthiness of your home. In fact, duct cleaning in Warner Robins, GA is one of the services we offer that can contribute to better health. Learn what’s potentially lurking in your ducts that could be contributing to less-than-optimal health in your home.

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Is A Heat Pump A Good Investment in the New Year?

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Perhaps you’re considering investing in a new HVAC system for your home in the New Year. It’s a great time to do so because homeowners have never had so many heating and cooling options as they do right now. Modern HVAC systems have become incredibly sophisticated and energy efficient.

Choosing heat pump installation in Vidalia, GA is an ideal 2-in-1 option for our mild winters here in Georgia. These eco-friendly systems could be exactly what you need when it’s time for a replacement. If you’re not aware of the benefits of heat pumps, read on to learn what makes them so uniquely suited to providing year-round comfort.

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How To Avoid Furnace Repairs This Season

Monday, December 19th, 2022

The first day of winter is almost here. With the temperate weather we’ve been having, this might come as a surprise to Georgia residents. In fact, this will be the third winter in a row we’ve experienced a La Niña pattern which usually means drier and warmer weather.

Although our heating season is shorter compared to our neighbors to the north, you want your furnace to be in tip-top shape when you start relying on it regularly. How confident are you in your furnace’s ability to provide uninterrupted service throughout the upcoming months?

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How to Tell Your Ductwork Is Causing Comfort Trouble In Your Home

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The season of giving is just around the corner. Why not treat your home to professional duct cleaning this holiday season? Duct cleaning is an important aspect of home maintenance. Not only does it keep the air in your home clean, but it also ensures the proper function of your home’s HVAC system.

Dirty ductwork is also responsible for numerous home comfort issues. When your indoor air quality is poor due to dirty ducts, it can cause a number of health and wellness issues. Because ductwork is not visible in a home, many homeowners neglect their maintenance when they’re out of sight and out of mind.

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