Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Dublin’ Category

Have You Gotten Your Heater Maintained Yet?

Monday, November 8th, 2021

This is an important question to ask. While we are still getting moderate weather during the day, temperatures have begun to get chilly after the sun sets. That means that, if you haven’t already, you’re likely to use your heater soon. But you want to make sure that the system gets a tune-up before you start using it, if at all possible.

So, have you scheduled your heater maintenance in Dublin, GA? If not, now is an ideal time to get on that! The sooner you get this task done, the better off you’ll be when the weather really gets cold. If you aren’t sure whether you want to bother with this service just yet, we want to give you some insight on why getting a tune-up now is the best decision you can make.

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5 Reasons to Go Ductless

Monday, October 25th, 2021

The time has come to upgrade your home comfort system. It barely functioned this summer and you are done wasting money trying to fix a system that simply needs to retire. We are on board with getting you better comfort at a lower cost!

Upgrading is a great idea to improve your comfort and drop those energy bills. Just make sure to consider all of the system options available to you. One system you should absolutely think about installing is a ductless mini split system. There is more than one reason why this may be a great system for your home.

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Upgrading Your Thermostat Can Upgrade Your Comfort

Monday, October 11th, 2021

You deserve a home that offers you the best in comfort. Your home should be a haven when the weather outside becomes uncomfortable. You have a powerful AC unit and a reliable heater to help make this a reality. But there is one part of your set-up that can ruin your comfort even with the right AC or heater: your thermostat.

The thermostat controls the operation of your HVAC systems. It’s the control center. This means that if something goes wrong with it, then the performance of your AC and heater will be affected and, by default, so will your comfort.

A faulty thermostat can ruin your comfort. But, this means that upgrading the thermostat can take your comfort to the next level. Here is how to tell it is time to switch.

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Giving Your AC a Mini Checkup

Monday, September 27th, 2021

The heat isn’t going away anytime soon. That means we are still going to be focusing on keeping our air conditioners in I’m working order for a bit longer. If you got an AC tune-up in spring or early summer, chances are that your system is still working well. However, whether you got AC maintenance or not, it is good to check-in and pay attention to how your system is functioning.

Your air conditioner shouldn’t have to break down to get the expert care it needs. In some cases, you may be able to catch the signs of problems simply by paying closer attention to the way your system is behaving. On that note, we provided a small “check-up”  that you can do on your air conditioner to see if there are any signs of trouble that require the help of an HVAC contractor in Dublin.

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How Air Filter Systems Can Help Your Comfort

Monday, September 13th, 2021

We aren’t discussing the filter for your HVAC system here. Though keeping tabs on that filter is advised, we are focusing on a bigger type of filtration system that seeks to benefit your whole home, rather than simply protect your HVAC system. These filters, which are placed within your ductwork, are going to help clean things up in your home, which will benefit your comfort and your indoor air quality over time.

Let’s get into it then. This blog is here to touch on how an air filtration system in Dublin is going to benefit your comfort. We have the information you need along with the systems you may want to add to your home by the time you finish reading.

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3 Things You Need to Know About Refrigerant

Monday, August 16th, 2021

There are plenty of things your air conditioner requires to do its job. Refrigerant is one of the most important parts of your AC system that isn’t actually a “part.” Refrigerant is a chemical mixture that is circulated by the other parts of your AC system in order to accomplish a key goal: cooling the air.

While some of us may have a decent understanding of how air conditioners work, we’ve discovered that refrigerant and its role in your AC system are often some of the most misunderstood. We believe in educating our customers to help them be better equipped to know when to call us for help. To do that, we’ve provided some helpful facts that you should know about the refrigerant in your air conditioner.

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What AC Issues Can We Fix?

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

A reliable and trustworthy Warner Robbins air conditioning company can help homeowners identify and select the right AC for their needs. They should also offer timely air conditioner maintenance and repairs to add comfort and peace of mind to your life. These are the kinds of things you can expect from our team.

When you contact us to carry out AC repairs in a timely manner you will be able to save money by preventing more expensive issues. Regular maintenance also improves the efficiency of your AC and extends its life.

Let us look at some of the common AC problems and issues that we can help you fix.

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Do You Need to Retire Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Having your air conditioner break down likely isn’t your worst fear, but it is probably up there on the list, especially during the summer season. When temperatures are high and the humidity at its worst, you want to have an AC that is working well. That is why, if your AC is ready to retire, you’ll want to get this task taken care of ASAP.

Coming to a professional team like ours for your AC replacement and other air conditioning services in Warner Robins, GA guarantees that the job will be done in a timely manner and done right the first time around. But first, you’ll need to have an idea of whether you really do need a replacement. Let us give you the information you need to determine if you might need to replace your current AC so you know if the time has come to call in one of our AC experts.

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10 Ways to Enjoy a Great Summer

Monday, July 5th, 2021

You have a lot to catch up on this summer. After spending a long while cooped up indoors, you can’t wait to get out and seize as many days as you can these next few months.

Our team is on board with that! We believe in making the most of your time this summer. That is why we’ve provided some great ways to help you enjoy your summer season here. Enjoy some of these fun ideas and come to us to make sure that, at the end of the day, you can rest assured that you’re returning to a comfortably cool home.

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4 Reasons to Get Those AC Repairs Now

Monday, June 21st, 2021

Something is wrong with your air conditioner and you are finding yourself debating whether or not it will make it through the summer. Let’s say you are confident in your system’s ability to “push through” and you are considering waiting a few months to get the repair taken care of. This is not going to do you any favors.

We get it. Repairs take up time and money. But you will end up spending a lot more of both of these resources if you delay getting your repairs done. You can rely on our team to provide prompt AC repair in Warner Robins at a reasonable price.

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