Ductless systems have made major inroads into homes over the past few years. These variations on heat pumps allow for a home to enjoy cooling and heating in different rooms without requiring either space-consuming ductwork or inefficient and unattractive window ACs.
A ductless system (also called a ductless mini split heat pump) works by having an outdoor unit connected to several small wall-mounted air handlers distributed around the house. Each air handler has its own refrigerant coil and blower fan to send heated or cooled air directly into the living space. Ductless systems have high energy efficiency, lead to better indoor air quality, and allow for zoned heating and cooling since only the air handlers in occupied rooms need to run.
Another major benefit is that ductless systems are flexible. You can put them to work in your home (even if you already have ducts) in a variety of ways. Here are several.