Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Heating’ Category

Late Season Furnace Maintenance Tips

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Spring is just around the corner and that means you’ll soon be making the transition from using your furnace to using your air conditioner if you haven’t done so already. But just because you’ll be using your furnace less doesn’t mean it’s okay to neglect furnace maintenance in Dublin, GA. 

The promise of warmer weather often inspires homeowners to tackle those home maintenance tasks they’ve been neglecting. Your furnace deserves some TLC after working hard to keep your home warm for the last few months. Here are some late-season maintenance tasks you can do to help ensure your furnace gets you through the rest of winter and prepare it for next season.

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What to Do About Uneven Heating in Your Commercial Property

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Commercial spaces present big challenges when it comes to heating and cooling them. Even smaller commercial facilities are larger than the average-sized home and have far more people in them. Businesses often contain large, heat-creating equipment and have special climate requirements. For example, server rooms need to have specialized cooling and ventilation to prevent computer equipment from overheating.

One of the major challenges for commercial heating is ensuring proper heat distribution. A home may be able to get away with a few rooms that are colder than the others, but this isn’t something that should occur in a commercial space (unless by specific design, such as in a server room). If you begin to hear complaints about cold spots in your commercial business from employees, customers, clients, tenants, etc., it’s something you’ll want fixed. We’ll look at the ways our professionals can help improve your commercial heating in Covington, GA when it’s uneven.

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How to Tell You Need a Mid-Winter Furnace Replacement

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Nobody wants to replace a home heating system in the middle of the winter. It’s inconvenient and can leave you without heating for a stretch. But sometimes it’s necessary. 

The best way to avoid an emergency furnace replacement in McDonough, GA is always to have maintenance scheduled for the furnace in the fall. This helps the furnace get through the winter with few problems, and it also gives technicians a chance to warn you about having a failing furnace replaced before the winter arrives. 

However, you may still run into a mid-season replacement situation. It’s not fun, but our team will see that it gets done fast so you’ll have your comfortable home restored. Below are ways to tell it’s time to get a new furnace mid-winter.

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How To Avoid Furnace Repairs This Season

Monday, December 19th, 2022

The first day of winter is almost here. With the temperate weather we’ve been having, this might come as a surprise to Georgia residents. In fact, this will be the third winter in a row we’ve experienced a La Niña pattern which usually means drier and warmer weather.

Although our heating season is shorter compared to our neighbors to the north, you want your furnace to be in tip-top shape when you start relying on it regularly. How confident are you in your furnace’s ability to provide uninterrupted service throughout the upcoming months?

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Is Your Upper Floor Getting Too Hot When the Heater Is On?

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Heat rises. This is a basic scientific fact that most people learned in elementary school. It’s also a fact that can turn into a problem when you live in a two-story home. Heat moves through the floors to collect at the top of the building, creating too much warmth in second-floor rooms.

When you use a central heating system for your house, you expect the heater to provide an even distribution of warmth to all the rooms. But you may run into the problem of an overheated upper floor in your home when your heating system is running. You have the heater sending heat to both levels, and then heat from the lower floor rises to the upper floor, resulting in temperatures possibly too high for comfort.

Is this something you just have to “deal with”? Or are there solutions?

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Why Won’t My Electric Furnace Heat Up Enough?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Because we don’t get winters as deeply cold as more northern states, many of our homes can get by through the winter with the power of an electric furnace. Electric furnaces don’t have the heating capacity of gas furnaces, but they can still do the job of providing warmth around a house. They also have the advantage of fewer malfunctions and long service lives. 

But the reliability of an electric furnace isn’t ironclad. You may run into a problem where your electric furnace turns on, but you aren’t getting the usual level of heat from it, even if you crank up the thermostat as high as possible. What’s causing this?

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Why You Have a Hissing Heater

Monday, November 21st, 2022

In an ideal world, the appliances that make our homes comfortable would operate quietly and efficiently. When they’re not running quietly, it’s usually a sign that something is wrong. 

Depending on the noise your heater is making, there could be a number of things going on. In this article, we’re going to specifically examine hissing noises. No, there’s not a snake in your heater and it isn’t mad at you. To determine if a heating repair is in order, let’s take a look at the possible reasons for a hissing heater. 

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5 Reasons to Get Regular Heater Tune-Ups

Monday, November 7th, 2022
happy couple on couch

As we enjoy a “second summer” here in Georgia, you probably haven’t given much thought to your heater. Although we’re still getting warm weather during the day, temperatures have begun to cool down in the evening. Sooner or later, you’re going to need to make the switch to using your heater. 

When was the last time you had your heater tuned up? If it’s been a while, now is the perfect time to schedule your heater repair in Perry, GA. You don’t want to be left in the cold when the chilly weather arrives! 

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Should You Have a New Heating System Installed Before Winter?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

If you’re asking yourself a question like this, it means you have doubts about your current home heating system. You wonder if it will get through the winter, or if it will work as well as your family needs it to. Perhaps you think the system costs too much to run now, and that making a switch to a new high-efficiency heating system is a smart idea. 

We’ve handled many a heating installation in Covington, GA during our time in business. We’ve served South Metro Atlanta since 2001, and we know a great deal about the different heating systems and how to match a home with the right one. We also know when a heating system has run its course and it’s ready for a replacement. In this post, we’ll share some of our knowledge about when to replace a central heater. But if you want the best advice, simply call us. We’ll not only help you make the choice, we’ll do the exact work you need.

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Even at the End of Winter, Never Delay Scheduling Repairs!

Monday, February 28th, 2022

The weather is warming up as we move into March—although it’s not yet spring, and March is notorious for hurling cold weather surprises at us. However, you’ll soon begin wrapping up the time of year when you run your home’s heater the most. With warmer weather on the horizon, you’ll find it tempting to put aside any repairs you think the heating system may require. “It can’t be too urgent, and I won’t need the heater that often anyway,” you may think.

But heating repair in Covington, GA is important to schedule promptly, no matter the season or the upcoming weather forecast. If your heating system is acting strangely or isn’t working right, call us as soon as you can to arrange for our technicians to fix it. 

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