Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Heating’ Category

Want to Pay Less for Heating This Winter? Here’s What You Can Do

Monday, December 6th, 2021

When cold weather arrives, the cost to heat your house rises. That’s common sense and you expect it, just the way you expect to pay more to run your AC during the summer.

You’d like to pay less for home heating, of course, but you may not think that’s possible. “Heat costs are what they are,” you might say. But the truth is really that heating costs are often more than they should be. You don’t have to be a fatalist about heating costs—you can take steps to pay less and still enjoy comfort. 

We offer several heating services in Conyers, GA that can help you wrangle control over your heating bills this season. There are also several steps you can take on your own to help. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

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Why Is My Heater Shutting Off Early?

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

The HVAC system in your home is designed to turn on the heating system when the thermostat registers that the household needs warmth. The thermostat signals the heater to start its heating cycle, and then it runs until the thermostat detects the home’s temperature has reached its target setting. The thermostat then has the heater cycle down until it’s needed again.

As the winter temperatures continue to fall, you’ll notice your heating system will run in longer cycles. This is normal: your house will lose more heat to the outside, requiring the heater to run for longer to reach your desired temperature. (We recommend a setting of 68°F, which not only makes the heater run less often but also slows down heat loss to the outdoors.) 

But you may be experiencing something … different. A heater that seems to run in shorter and shorter cycles, shutting off early before it can heat up the house enough, then turning back on a short time later and repeating the process. Why is your heater doing this? And what can you do about it?

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Choosing Your Next Heater: What You Need to Know

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

It is relatively possible to make it through an entire winter without a heating system in your home. We say it’s possible but that definitely does not mean that it is preferable. If you have a heater that needs to be replaced though, you might be looking at attempting to get through the next several months without a source of reliable warmth. We’d like to help you avoid that discomfort and hassle.

When it comes to getting a new heating system in your home, there is a lot to take into consideration. You don’t want to choose the wrong system and end up paying more money for less comfort. But this doesn’t mean that you should just throw up your hands and choose a space heater either.

Selecting a new heating system is no small decision. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when you need to find your next heater.

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Winter Planning: Is It Time to Get a New Gas Furnace?

Monday, November 8th, 2021

The fall weather here in Conyers is often lovely, and it’s easy to understand why this is many people’s favorite time of year. But the slight chill in the air that can feel so soothing is also a warning sign of the approaching winter weather. This is the best time of the year to schedule important services for your home’s heating system, such as annual maintenance. 

But maintenance won’t do the job of keeping a heating system going forever. This fall, you may face the question of whether you need to replace your gas furnace with a new one. This is often a tricky question to answer: installing a new furnace is a major investment, and you don’t want to move hastily if it’s not necessary. We are here to help. Below we’ve listed guidelines to help you understand if your furnace is at the replacement point.

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Have You Gotten Your Heater Maintained Yet?

Monday, November 8th, 2021

This is an important question to ask. While we are still getting moderate weather during the day, temperatures have begun to get chilly after the sun sets. That means that, if you haven’t already, you’re likely to use your heater soon. But you want to make sure that the system gets a tune-up before you start using it, if at all possible.

So, have you scheduled your heater maintenance in Dublin, GA? If not, now is an ideal time to get on that! The sooner you get this task done, the better off you’ll be when the weather really gets cold. If you aren’t sure whether you want to bother with this service just yet, we want to give you some insight on why getting a tune-up now is the best decision you can make.

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It’s Still Warm, But Now Is the Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 11th, 2021

We’re enjoying warm weather this October, and we don’t expect to have any cold temperatures tear through for a few weeks, maybe more. That doesn’t mean you can put off thinking about your home heating system until the winter weather arrives. Right now, in the middle of fall, is a great time to schedule maintenance for your home’s heating system.

This doesn’t have to be a burden for you. We make it easy! Our Energy Savings Agreement provides a plan for maintaining your heating and air conditioning systems each year. If you aren’t already signed up, just reach out to us today and we’ll set up your appointment for heating maintenance in Conyers, GA or elsewhere in our service area.

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Upgrading Your Thermostat Can Upgrade Your Comfort

Monday, October 11th, 2021

You deserve a home that offers you the best in comfort. Your home should be a haven when the weather outside becomes uncomfortable. You have a powerful AC unit and a reliable heater to help make this a reality. But there is one part of your set-up that can ruin your comfort even with the right AC or heater: your thermostat.

The thermostat controls the operation of your HVAC systems. It’s the control center. This means that if something goes wrong with it, then the performance of your AC and heater will be affected and, by default, so will your comfort.

A faulty thermostat can ruin your comfort. But, this means that upgrading the thermostat can take your comfort to the next level. Here is how to tell it is time to switch.

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Always Adjusting the Thermostat? You May Need Heating Help!

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Do you know how best to set the thermostat in your house for both comfort and energy efficiency in winter? It isn’t difficult to learn. You only need to remember two things: 1) keep it set at a steady temperature during the day and a lower temperature at night, 2) aim to make the daytime temperature around 68°F. 

If you follow these basic guidelines, you should enjoy a warm house without needing to touch the thermostat except to make the adjustment between day and night or before leave the house. And if you have a programmable or smart thermostat, you won’t even need to do that much!

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“What Are My Heating Options?”

Monday, February 1st, 2021

Maybe you are waiting for the finishing touches to be put on your new home. Or perhaps you have recently discovered that the heating system in your newly purchased house is … pretty much useless. You need a reliable heater for your home, especially on some of the colder days we get around here.

If you are on the hunt for a heater installation in Dublin, we’d love to help you out. We already offer some of the best heating systems around and we have quality installation services to match. Let us help you choose the best heater for your home and give it the best start possible with our installation work.

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Help, My Furnace Isn’t Turning On!

Monday, January 18th, 2021

We can certainly help you if you’ve got trouble with your furnace. It’s our job, after all, and we guarantee same-day service: “Service today, or you don’t pay!” When it comes to any type of heating repairs in Conyers, GA and the surrounding areas, you only have to get in touch with us and then relax knowing the best people will soon be on the job.

But we want to go a little further into why your furnace isn’t coming on. There may be a simple explanation, and we want to help you sort through a few of those possibilities—as well as look at the more serious cases where you’ll definitely need our professional assistance!

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