Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Are Your Ducts in Good Shape for Winter?

Monday, October 14th, 2024

Before you start to regularly use your home heating system for the winter, it’s a wise idea to consider the condition of your HVAC system. That means more than thinking about your furnace or heat pump. You also need to think about the “V” in “HVAC,” the ventilation system made up of ductwork. These ducts are mostly out of your sight, installed between walls and in the attic. 

If you have ducts that are damaged or have air leaks, it can have severe negative effects on your home comfort, energy use, and even the quality of the air in your home. You can schedule duct testing with our team to see if you need duct services like duct sealing or duct replacement in Wrightsville, GA.

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Yes, Air Duct Cleaning Is an Important Regular Job

Monday, August 19th, 2024

How dirty is your home’s ductwork?

Don’t worry if your answer is “I don’t know.” Most people are unaware of the condition of the air channels that run through the walls and attics of their homes because it’s difficult to see inside them. Most of the time, people don’t even give much thought to what’s going on in their ducts.

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Leaky Air Ducts—Why This Is a Big HVAC Problem

Monday, August 5th, 2024

The ducts in your house are a key part of the HVAC system: you don’t get any circulation of air or heated or cooled air sent to the rooms without it. Unfortunately, the ducts can sustain damage from corrosion, wear, aging, poor installation, vermin and insects, and construction that can create air leaks. 

But are a few holes in the ductwork a big deal? Yes! It’s a reason we offer duct services in Warner Robins, GA to test and seal ducts. Below we’ll go into why leaky air ducts are a problem that requires a swift professional solution.

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Humidity and Your AC: What You Need to Know

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Do air conditioning systems help with the humidity in a home? This is a common question that people ask HVAC technicians, and it’s especially a concern in Nashville because it can get quite humid during the summer. High humidity doesn’t raise the temperature on a hot day, but it does make it harder for people’s bodies to cool off, and this can mean the indoor temperature can feel 8° to 10° hotter than it is. Not fun!

So, does the AC provide any help in controlling this, aside from lowering the actual indoor temperature? We’ll talk about this below as well as look into a possible solution, installing a dehumidifier in Nashville, TN.

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Summer Heat + Fresh Air? An ERV Can Do That!

Monday, July 8th, 2024

When it’s a hot day and you need to have your home’s air conditioning system running, do you keep the windows and doors open? We hope not, since this will cause the AC to waste power as it runs. The air conditioner must work harder to remove the heat from your home as heat is rushing in through open windows. 

Unfortunately, when you seal up your home for the AC, you also seal out fresh air. Modern homes are built so tightly for energy efficiency that they don’t “breathe” much. During a hot summer, you may find your household air becoming stale and dusty because there hasn’t been enough fresh air brought in.

Did you know that there’s a way around this dilemma? It’s called an energy recovery ventilator. We offer installation of energy recovery ventilators in Sandersville, GA, and we’d like to explain how one of these devices can really improve your comfort, energy bills, and indoor air quality.

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The Impact Ductwork Has on Cooling Your Home

Monday, June 24th, 2024

You may not think much about the ductwork in your home. After all, it’s hidden in the walls and in the attic, kept from sight so your house doesn’t look like an industrial warehouse. Because those ducts are rarely on your mind, it’s easy to imagine they’ll always be in good condition—and if they weren’t, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?

We’re glad we got your attention with this post! Your ductwork is extremely important for your comfort, health, and budget. Poor ductwork can create many troubles, and well-maintained ducts eliminate many problems. Our technicians offer a range of duct services in Forsyth, GA, so we can explain to you the impact that your ducts have when it comes to summer cooling.

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What Are the Benefits of Professional Duct Cleaning?

Monday, June 10th, 2024

We offer duct services in Maysville, KY for our customers to help their HVAC systems operate at peak levels. After all, the “V” in HVAC stands for ventilation, and the ventilation system needs ducts in good condition to work. 

It also needs clean ductwork, and that’s where professional duct cleaning is crucial. You don’t need to have this service done every year, but it’s important to remember to have it scheduled every three to five years—or have it done right away if you’ve never done it before.

We know you might feel skeptical about this. “How dirty can my ducts get, and why would that be a problem for my home?” The answer is that your ducts can get extremely dirty, and dirty ductwork will create a host of problems you could have otherwise easily avoided.

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Is My AC Enough to Handle Humidity?

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Humidity, the amount of water moisture in the air, is a well-known enemy of summer comfort. When relative humidity is high (above 60%), it makes it harder for the human body to release heat through perspiration. With more heat trapped in the body, temperatures feel hotter. An 80°F summer day can feel like it’s 90°F. That’s the power that humidity can have over your comfort.

High humidity can create other troubles in a home. All that moisture makes it easier for mold and mildew to grow, leading to a combination of building damage and nasty allergy triggers. Moisture isn’t good for electronics in a home either.

At this point, you might say, “Isn’t my AC taking care of the humidity? After all, it makes the house cooler.” There’s a story to that, as we’ll explain. We’re not only pros when it comes to air conditioning, we also work with dehumidifiers in Maysville, KY, and we can give you the lowdown on your AC and humidity.

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How a Dehumidifier Can Benefit Your House

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Humidity is a big part of our summer seasons, and anyone who’s had to go through a humid day knows how much worse it makes the heat feel. High humidity can cause several problems for your household, both the people in it and the house itself, and we recommend scheduling an installation of a whole-house dehumidifier in Perry, GA to combat this problem. You’ll enjoy more benefits than just better comfort, as we’ll explain below.

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Air Duct Cleaning Is a Great Summer To-Do Item

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Do you already have a packed to-do list for spring? Plenty of people do—taxes, getting the AC maintained, spring cleaning, even just getting the files on your computer in order. We’d like to suggest a to-do item that you may want to slip into your schedule. It’s not a tough one to do. In fact, our experts will do all the work for you.

It’s scheduling air duct cleaning for your home. If your ductwork hasn’t had cleaning in years (or ever), you can make it easier to keep cool for less in your home during the coming summer if you add duct cleaning to your to-dos. We offer high-quality air duct services in Sandersville, GA, including air duct cleaning, testing, and repair, so we know how beneficial air duct cleaning can be. We’ll explain more about why we recommend this service.

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