Humidity is a big part of our summer seasons, and anyone who’s had to go through a humid day knows how much worse it makes the heat feel. High humidity can cause several problems for your household, both the people in it and the house itself, and we recommend scheduling an installation of a whole-house dehumidifier in Perry, GA to combat this problem. You’ll enjoy more benefits than just better comfort, as we’ll explain below.
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Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category
How a Dehumidifier Can Benefit Your House
Monday, April 15th, 2024Air Duct Cleaning Is a Great Summer To-Do Item
Monday, April 1st, 2024Do you already have a packed to-do list for spring? Plenty of people do—taxes, getting the AC maintained, spring cleaning, even just getting the files on your computer in order. We’d like to suggest a to-do item that you may want to slip into your schedule. It’s not a tough one to do. In fact, our experts will do all the work for you.
It’s scheduling air duct cleaning for your home. If your ductwork hasn’t had cleaning in years (or ever), you can make it easier to keep cool for less in your home during the coming summer if you add duct cleaning to your to-dos. We offer high-quality air duct services in Sandersville, GA, including air duct cleaning, testing, and repair, so we know how beneficial air duct cleaning can be. We’ll explain more about why we recommend this service.
How Can I Tell It’s Time to Have My Home’s Air Ducts Cleaned?
Monday, March 25th, 2024Many homeowners don’t give much thought to the ductwork in their home. It’s mostly hidden from sight, and so it’s easy to forget about it, assuming it will continue to do its job of transporting heated and cooled air to all the rooms.
But these ducts pick up dust, lint, and other debris over time, and eventually the build-up will create troubles for the HVAC system, your budget, and your home in general. Only routine professional air duct cleaning in Covington, GA can correct this … but how will you be able to tell it’s time to arrange for this service with our team?
Well, let’s look at several of the major ways to tell you need air duct cleaning…
Why We Recommend Air Duct Testing Before Spring
Monday, March 4th, 2024When you’re preparing your house for the change in seasons from winter to spring, one of the biggest priorities is scheduling air conditioning maintenance. This isn’t the only important service for your HVAC system, however. We recommend you have air duct testing done every few years to check on the integrity of the ductwork in your HVAC system.
Homeowners are often unaware of how trouble with their ductwork can lead to serious consequences for energy efficiency, air conditioning performance, and indoor air quality. We offer duct services in Nashville, TN, including air duct testing and air duct sealing, and we want to explain why regular air duct testing is enormously beneficial.
We Can Help You Combat Allergy Season
Monday, March 4th, 2024Most people like it when the weather starts to warm up at the start of spring. But the change in seasons brings with it a new challenge: allergies and asthma. As the temperatures start to rise, the pollen count in the air drastically increases—it’s allergy season! If you have people in your household who suffer from allergies such as asthma, this can be an unpleasant time filled with congestion, coughing, eye and nose irritation, and more.
You can take steps to alleviate the health problems of allergy season. Seeing an allergist for recommendations on medications, for example. On a simpler level, you can make a dutiful effort to remove as much dust from your home.
Did you know that a quality HVAC company can help make allergy season easier? Our Premier team can really show you the Premier Difference with services like installing air filters and purifiers in in Perry, GA. Let’s look at several ways we can help you beat allergy season.
Is My Home’s Indoor Air Quality Really That Bad?
Monday, February 26th, 2024When you live in Georgia, most homeowners are aware of two major components that affect home comfort: humidity and temperature. But your home comfort and your health require more than just temperature control. Many people are unaware of how poor their indoor air quality (IAQ) can be.
Let’s go over four key points to think about when asking yourself the question, “Is my home’s indoor air really that bad?” Unfortunately, it is that bad. That’s why we offer indoor air quality systems that are just as important as your air conditioner and dehumidifier.
Breathe Easier in the New Year with Duct Services
Monday, January 1st, 2024The holiday season is behind us and it’s time to look forward to the New Year. Whether you make New Year’s resolutions or not, it’s a time of year when people naturally think about making positive changes.
Perhaps the most common resolutions have to do with health. Some people set big goals for themselves while others may simply resolve to use their smartphones less or work at getting more quality sleep. No matter what your health-related resolution is, it all starts with the air quality in your home.
So why not make a resolution to pay attention to an often overlooked home comfort system—your ductwork. After all, it is the “V” in HVAC: ventilation. Here’s how our duct services can help you breathe easier in the New Year.
Is It the Heat or Is It the Humidity?
Monday, October 9th, 2023We’re no strangers to humidity in Georgia. Most people assume that high humidity is just a part of living in this area and are resigned to the idea that there’s nothing they can do about it. However, high humidity has many detrimental effects not only on your health, but on your home as well.
High heat alone is dangerous, and when it’s combined with high humidity, your body has an even harder time cooling down. Humidity can cause a number of physical and mental health issues. Although you can’t control the humidity when you’re out and about, you can do something about the humidity level in your home by installing a whole house dehumidifier.
Let’s go over the negative effects of high humidity.
HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners
Monday, September 11th, 2023Our four-legged friends fill a special place in our hearts. For pet owners, it’s hard to imagine a home without them! However, despite how much we love them, that doesn’t mean their fur and dander can’t be problematic, especially if someone in your home suffers from allergies.
That’s why it’s important to take some extra steps to make sure that your furry friend’s fur doesn’t negatively affect your air quality or your HVAC system. Because no matter how much you vacuum, pet fur and their natural dander will get into the air.
During an HVAC inspection or routine maintenance visit, we can certainly evaluate how much pet hair is affecting your systems. Until then, here are a few tips on how to take care of your HVAC system if you’re a pet owner.
A Fresh Outlook on HVAC Installations: HRVs and ERVs
Monday, August 28th, 2023Here in Georgia, we experience some incredibly hot and humid weather. Thankfully, you have an air conditioner that keeps your home cool and comfortable. It’s no secret that the way to keep that highly prized conditioned air inside is to keep your doors and windows shut when the AC is going.
However, by doing just that, your home’s indoor air quality can suffer. You’ve undoubtedly experienced the staleness of conditioned air and might be tempted to open a door or window to let some fresh air in. How can you enjoy optimal home comfort when you can’t open a window in the heat of summer at the risk of paying more for energy?
This is where heat and energy recovery ventilators can really make a difference. Read on to learn how these systems can invigorate and freshen up your home’s indoor air on the hottest days of the year without running the risk of a huge utility bill. Then give us a call to schedule your HVAC installation.