Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Maysville’ Category

Let’s Talk AC Refrigerant Leaks and What You Need to Know

Monday, April 8th, 2024

The last thing you want during a scorcher summer day is for your air conditioning system to start to fail—or fail completely. One of the most common issues that can cause an AC to lose power and eventually break down completely is refrigerant leaks. Understanding the impact of these leaks, how to spot them, and the importance of professional air conditioning repair in Maysville, KY can save you from a boiling hot house and costly repairs. Here’s what you need to know about AC refrigerant leaks, straight from our Premier Pros.

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Do You Need to Get a New AC Before Summer?

Monday, March 25th, 2024

The summer heat may still seem far off at the start of spring, but it’s on the way. Do you have an air conditioning system that will be able to handle it? No AC lasts forever, and the spring is a good time to ask yourself if your AC is ready for a replacement. 

We know that you don’t want to jump to the conclusion that it’s time for a new air conditioning installation in Maysville, KY, so in this post we’re going to look at ways to tell when your current AC is too worn down to continue working. Always seek out the opinion of professionals before making a decision about getting a new AC. You can count on our professionals to provide you with the assistance you need.

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A Quick Guide to Getting Your AC in Shape This Spring

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Summer weather may still seem like it’s far away, but it’s not too early to start getting your home ready for the shift in seasons. Making sure you have an AC that’s ready to get to work when you need it is an important part of spring preparations. After all, if there’s anything wrong with your central AC, you’ll want to know it early so you can arrange for air conditioning repair in Maysville, GA at a convenient time when you don’t need the system to keep the house cool.

How to get started? It’s easy. We’ve put together a quick guide to the steps to take. (The last one is extremely important!)

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Always Keep Up With Heater Repairs, Even at the End of the Season

Monday, February 26th, 2024

If your heater has a malfunction right now, but it isn’t yet affecting how much comfort your house is getting, which thought comes to your mind?

  • “I need to have this fixed as soon as possible.”
  • “Well, it’s not that bad, and I won’t need the heater soon anyway. I’ll get to it later.”

If it’s the first, you’re on the right track! You can call us for heating repair in Maysville, GA and we’ll be out soon to help you. 

If it’s the second, we understand the feeling—but it’s important to resist that feeling. Any repair issue with a central heater, no matter how “minor” it might seem, is something you must have dealt with as soon as you can arrange it.

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5 Common Thermostat Problems

Monday, August 14th, 2023
HVAC technician testing voltage on a mercury thermostat.

When something’s amiss with the temperature in your home, most homeowners assume that something is wrong with their HVAC system. However, there are certain things that can go wrong that can be attributed to the system’s thermostat.

The thermostat is like the “brain” of your HVAC system, controlling the whole system. So it makes sense that when things go awry, the brain behind the system could be the cause. Even if you have a “smart” thermostat, sometimes things go wrong that cause them to be not-so-smart.

Let’s take a look at 5 things that can go wrong with your HVAC system’s thermostat and what that problem would look like in your home. That way, you can call us for thermostat repair in Dublin, GA when something’s up.

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How to Tell Your Ductwork Is Causing Comfort Trouble In Your Home

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The season of giving is just around the corner. Why not treat your home to professional duct cleaning this holiday season? Duct cleaning is an important aspect of home maintenance. Not only does it keep the air in your home clean, but it also ensures the proper function of your home’s HVAC system.

Dirty ductwork is also responsible for numerous home comfort issues. When your indoor air quality is poor due to dirty ducts, it can cause a number of health and wellness issues. Because ductwork is not visible in a home, many homeowners neglect their maintenance when they’re out of sight and out of mind.

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Why Won’t My Electric Furnace Heat Up Enough?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Because we don’t get winters as deeply cold as more northern states, many of our homes can get by through the winter with the power of an electric furnace. Electric furnaces don’t have the heating capacity of gas furnaces, but they can still do the job of providing warmth around a house. They also have the advantage of fewer malfunctions and long service lives. 

But the reliability of an electric furnace isn’t ironclad. You may run into a problem where your electric furnace turns on, but you aren’t getting the usual level of heat from it, even if you crank up the thermostat as high as possible. What’s causing this?

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