Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Nashville’ Category

How Do Heat Pumps Get Heat From Outdoors in the Winter?

Monday, October 14th, 2024

The miracle of the heat pump is that it works as both a heating and cooling system. It’s not really a “miracle,” but based on the simple principle that if you take an air conditioner and find a way to reverse the way it moves heat, it can provide either heating or cooling. An air conditioner uses refrigerant to draw heat from inside the house and releases it outside, cooling down the interior of the house. A heat pump goes a step further: it can change the direction the refrigerant flows so that it draws heat from outside the house and releases it inside, warming up the house.

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Why Proper Sizing Is So Essential for Commercial HVAC Units

Monday, September 16th, 2024

What size HVAC units does your business need for proper operation and maximum energy efficiency? Don’t worry if you can’t answer that question immediately, or if you’re not certain what we mean by the “size” of the HVAC units. When it comes to finding the correct commercial HVAC installation in Nashville, TN, you’ll always want to rely on professionals who can answer these questions.

What we want to explain in this post is the importance of commercial HVAC unit sizing, starting with what it is.

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Don’t Leave Any AC Issue Unrepaired at the End of Summer!

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

We’re not done with the hot weather, but it’s almost fall and we can expect to see temperatures begin to drop. The approach of cooler weather can sometimes make people feel a bit complacent about their air conditioning systems. 

If your AC starts to show signs it’s struggling to keep up, or if it makes odd sounds, you may feel like ignoring it. It can wait until later—the hot weather is almost over. 

However, HVAC repair in Nashville, TN is important no matter the time of year it occurs and no matter how “minor” this issue appears. We’re going to look at the reasons why you don’t want to leave your AC with a lingering repair issue at the end of the summer season.

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Why Is My AC Running All the Time?

Monday, August 19th, 2024

You can expect your air conditioning system to run more often when the outdoor temperature rises. But there’s a difference between an AC running often because it’s needed and running almost all the time. Air conditioning systems are designed to work in cooling cycles that continue until the thermostat has registered that the AC has hit the target temperature on the thermostat, after which the unit will cycle down for a stretch. Most cooling cycles will last 10 to 15 minutes, with a similar period in between cycles.

If your AC is running much longer than 15 minutes and seems to be on most of the time (often leading to a house that’s too cool even for a hot day), then you likely have a malfunctioning system. The AC may be in danger of a full breakdown, and you’ll also face extremely high energy bills from all the extra time the air conditioner is blasting away.

Sometimes there is a simple explanation. In other situations, you’ll need to schedule air conditioner repair in Nashville with professionals.

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A Wheezing AC? Why Its Airflow Is Low

Monday, August 5th, 2024
Heating/Cooling Vent

Your air conditioning system can experience “breathing problems.” Much of the AC’s successful operation at keeping your home cool is based on its ability to circulate air—drawing air from the house through return air ducts, cooling it, and then blowing it into supply air ducts to the room. If your AC struggles to do this, it will result in a lower volume of cooled air and less air sent to the rooms. Obviously, This Is Not Good when it comes to your comfort.

So you’ve got a “wheezing” AC on your hands. What’s causing it, and what can you do about it? Below, we’ll examine these questions about poor airflow from an AC and help you identify when you need AC repair in Nashville, TN

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Humidity and Your AC: What You Need to Know

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Do air conditioning systems help with the humidity in a home? This is a common question that people ask HVAC technicians, and it’s especially a concern in Nashville because it can get quite humid during the summer. High humidity doesn’t raise the temperature on a hot day, but it does make it harder for people’s bodies to cool off, and this can mean the indoor temperature can feel 8° to 10° hotter than it is. Not fun!

So, does the AC provide any help in controlling this, aside from lowering the actual indoor temperature? We’ll talk about this below as well as look into a possible solution, installing a dehumidifier in Nashville, TN.

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Is a Ductless HVAC System a Good Fit for My Home?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

One of the major innovations in heating and air conditioning in homes and commercial buildings is the ductless mini split heat pump. This isn’t a new innovation: ductless units have been popular for decades in Japan. Now they’ve spread through Europe and are making an impact in the US. 

If you’re looking into HVAC systems for a home, then you may wish to think about ductless systems in Nashville, TN. The best way to find out if going ductless is right for your situation is to work with our professionals. We can give you some of the basics below that will get you started thinking about whether you can make use of a ductless HVAC system.

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Troubles You May Run Into With Your Thermostat

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Although the thermostat is physically one of the smallest components of your home’s HVAC system, it wields a great deal of power. It’s the point where you communicate with your comfort system and set programming, and it’s also the temperature sensor the HVAC system uses to analyze temperature levels in the home so it will activate heating, cooling, and the fan at the appropriate times. 

Thermostat can malfunction or be poorly installed, creating troubles like discomfort and larger energy bills. We’ll take a look at several of the most common thermostat problems you may encounter. We’re here to help with any thermostat problems you may have, and we can install the newest Wi-Fi and smart thermostats in Nashville for your house.

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Why Isn’t My AC Cooling the Whole House?

Monday, June 10th, 2024

A central AC has a straightforward job: distribute enough cooled air to the rooms of a house to create an even spread of comfort. There may be some minor temperature fluctuations, such as in rooms with lower levels of insulation or increased sun exposure. But overall, when you’re running your central AC, you can expect to enjoy comfortable conditions in all your living spaces.

If you start to notice uneven cooling in your house, with some rooms comfortably chill and others feeling far too hot, you might have a problem with the AC. The issue might be a basic one you can solve with troubleshooting, or it may require calling our technicians for air conditioning repair in Nashville, TN

Below, we’ll look closer at what may be causing your uneven cooling troubles.

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Summer’s Almost Here! Is Your AC Ready?

Monday, May 27th, 2024

The official start of summer is now less than a month away. You probably have fun plans for the season, but you want to make sure you can enjoy the comfort of your own home when the temperatures rise. Do you have an AC system that’s ready to go to work when you need it during the long, hot days?

If you don’t know how to answer that question, don’t worry. We’re here to help. There is one critical step you need to take to ensure you’ve got an AC that will work the way you need it to, when you need it to, without wasting energy: schedule air conditioning maintenance in Nashville, TN.

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