Premier Heating and Air Blog for ‘Perry & Warner Robins’ Category

A Big AC Question Before Summer: Repair vs. Replace? 

Monday, March 18th, 2024

It’s time to think about your air conditioning system, even if you haven’t started to use it regularly. One crucial step to take during spring is to have a professional do a thorough maintenance inspection and tune-up so the AC is prepped to handle the heat. This is the standard annual procedure. 

But you may be in a situation where you have an aging air conditioner (10 years or older) and suspect that it’s starting to run down. The big question: should you have the air conditioner replaced before summer, or can you get by for several more years with repairs as needed? 

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We Can Help You Combat Allergy Season

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Most people like it when the weather starts to warm up at the start of spring. But the change in seasons brings with it a new challenge: allergies and asthma. As the temperatures start to rise, the pollen count in the air drastically increases—it’s allergy season! If you have people in your household who suffer from allergies such as asthma, this can be an unpleasant time filled with congestion, coughing, eye and nose irritation, and more. 

You can take steps to alleviate the health problems of allergy season. Seeing an allergist for recommendations on medications, for example. On a simpler level, you can make a dutiful effort to remove as much dust from your home. 

Did you know that a quality HVAC company can help make allergy season easier? Our Premier team can really show you the Premier Difference with services like installing air filters and purifiers in in Perry, GA. Let’s look at several ways we can help you beat allergy season.

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Consider Upgrading to a Smart Thermostat: Here’s Why

Monday, February 19th, 2024

Spring means it’s time to schedule air conditioning maintenance in Perry, GA with our team at Premier. We can’t stress enough how important this annual AC tune-up and inspection is: it’s the best thing you can do for your AC, and that means it’s the best thing you can do for your summer comfort.

Need some convincing? Below is a list of the biggest benefits of scheduling spring maintenance for your air conditioning system. All you need to do to get started is to contact us and sign up for our Energy Savings Agreement, which takes care of your AC in spring and heater in fall.

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We’re Getting Cooked! Why Is My Furnace Overheating My House?

Monday, December 18th, 2023

Staying toasty warm in your home during winter is a pleasure. But you definitely can get too hot to the point where running outside into the cold feels refreshing. If you keep the thermostat in your home set at a pleasant temperature (we recommend 68°F during the day to help save energy), you shouldn’t have a problem with just the right balance of winter comfort.

Unless your furnace has other plans. If your house feels abnormally warm when the furnace is running, you may need to schedule furnace service in Conyers, GA with the Premier team to see what needs to be done. In this post, we’ll look at some reasons that your furnace has decided to crank up to heat to uncomfortable levels.

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Can a Furnace Corrode?

Monday, February 27th, 2023

If you’re asking this question and looking for answers online, it’s probably because you think you’ve found corrosion on your gas furnace in Conyers, GA. Or perhaps you’re curious because you have an older furnace and you want to know what can happen to it as it ages. Whatever the reason, we’re glad you asked because corrosion is an important topic when it comes to furnaces.

So the simple answer is, Yes, a gas furnace can corrode. It’s not something you want to happen, and it’s often a warning that the furnace needs to be replaced.

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How to Tell Your Ductwork Is Causing Comfort Trouble In Your Home

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The season of giving is just around the corner. Why not treat your home to professional duct cleaning this holiday season? Duct cleaning is an important aspect of home maintenance. Not only does it keep the air in your home clean, but it also ensures the proper function of your home’s HVAC system.

Dirty ductwork is also responsible for numerous home comfort issues. When your indoor air quality is poor due to dirty ducts, it can cause a number of health and wellness issues. Because ductwork is not visible in a home, many homeowners neglect their maintenance when they’re out of sight and out of mind.

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Why Won’t My Electric Furnace Heat Up Enough?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Because we don’t get winters as deeply cold as more northern states, many of our homes can get by through the winter with the power of an electric furnace. Electric furnaces don’t have the heating capacity of gas furnaces, but they can still do the job of providing warmth around a house. They also have the advantage of fewer malfunctions and long service lives. 

But the reliability of an electric furnace isn’t ironclad. You may run into a problem where your electric furnace turns on, but you aren’t getting the usual level of heat from it, even if you crank up the thermostat as high as possible. What’s causing this?

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