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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001



Before It Gets Too Hot: Is Your AC Able to Handle a Whole Georgia Summer?


A Georgia summer may not get as hot as one in Death Valley or Southern Arizona, but it can still rise to uncomfortable temperatures. The humidity doesn’t help either. You need a solid, durable, powerful, and reliable air conditioning system to make your house a cool oasis through the coming summer (and hopefully many summers after that).

The question is: Do you?

Right now is the time to ask, because if you need to have an AC replacement in Covington, GA, you’ll want to have it scheduled during spring. The hot weather will arrive soon, and we’d hate to think of you switching on your AC during the first major heatwave only to discover it won’t do the job.

Let’s investigate your AC and see if we can find some answers. For an expert opinion—and we definitely recommend that—contact our office and schedule an appointment for an AC assessment.

The air conditioner’s age

This is the basic barometer of when an air conditioner needs a replacement. It’s not an absolute, but it makes for a good measuring stick. A central air conditioning system will last for 10 to 15 on average, coming out on the higher end if it’s had diligent annual maintenance. Once an AC is over 15 years, we recommend caution about keeping it. It may still appear to work fine, but it’s at a higher risk of turning inefficient or abruptly breaking down.

The cost to run it

One of the big tell-tale signs of an air conditioner that’s on its way out is when it starts to cost much more to run than it once did. An air conditioner should keep most of its energy efficiency rating through its service life, losing only around 5%. In the last one to two years of its service life it will start to see a rapid decline, which means you’ll see a rapid incline on your summer electric bills. 

The frequency and cost of repairs

How often have you had to call technicians to repair your air conditioning system over the last few years? If you’ve had to call every year to keep it working, you’re spending too much money to keep a dying system going. That money is better spent on a new system. We strongly recommend replacing an air conditioner if the quote for any single repair is more than half the cost of a new system. 

If you think you’re going to keep the AC, make sure it have maintenance

If your air conditioning system is still young enough and hasn’t given you any problems, you still aren’t completely in the clear for the summer. An air conditioner needs to have professional maintenance done each spring to inspect, clean, and adjust it. This tune-up will help the AC work through the coming season with few (if any) problems, run at higher efficiency, and enjoy a longer service life. It also keeps the warranty in force. 

You can reach out to us to join our Energy Savings Agreement, a maintenance plan that will take care of your HVAC system and provide special benefits as well.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001.

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