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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001


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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001



It’s Still Warm, But Now Is the Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance


We’re enjoying warm weather this October, and we don’t expect to have any cold temperatures tear through for a few weeks, maybe more. That doesn’t mean you can put off thinking about your home heating system until the winter weather arrives. Right now, in the middle of fall, is a great time to schedule maintenance for your home’s heating system.

This doesn’t have to be a burden for you. We make it easy! Our Energy Savings Agreement provides a plan for maintaining your heating and air conditioning systems each year. If you aren’t already signed up, just reach out to us today and we’ll set up your appointment for heating maintenance in Conyers, GA or elsewhere in our service area.

But I had my heating system maintained last year!

That’s good. And now a year has gone past and you need to have it maintained again. Maintenance isn’t a service you have done every few years—it must be done annually for you to get the full benefit of it. Neglecting maintenance puts your heating in jeopardy, can cost money, and may even create safety hazards.

Safety hazards?

Yes! If you use a natural gas furnace to heat your house (and the majority of local homes do), then you must have the furnace inspected yearly to help keep it running safely.

Natural gas furnaces aren’t “dangerous” because they’re built with special safety features. But those features can malfunction, and other problems arise if a furnace is allowed to deteriorate without regular service. Our maintenance technicians will ensure you have a furnace running to the best safety standards.

How can missing heating maintenance cost me money?

In many ways. Here are just a few:

  • Increased number of repairs: The majority of malfunctions that can afflict a heating system are due to maintenance neglect. If you stay current with maintenance, you’ll wipe out 50% of the repairs you would have otherwise needed to pay for.
  • Decreased energy efficiency: It can cost plenty to run a heater through the winter—but it will cost more if the heater is in poor shape because it isn’t getting maintenance. After a few years without maintenance, a heater could cost 25% more to run than it should. 
  • Early system replacement: The most expensive “repair” a heating system may need is an early replacement. Where you can easily get a furnace to work for 15 years or more if it’s regularly maintained, that number can drop by half if it’s not maintained.
  • Invalid warranty: Skipped maintenance can invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty on a heating system, potentially leaving you caught paying for an expensive repair the warranty would’ve covered.

What’s the next step?

It’s easy: call our office and sign up for our Energy Savings Agreement. Once you’ve joined, you’ll receive precision tune-ups for your heating and air conditioning system each year. We offer special benefits to members as well:

  • No overtime charge
  • 20% discount on repairs
  • Priority customer status—jump to the front of the service queue
  • Transferable agreement if you sell your home

Premier Heating & Air is family-owned and operated and has served South Metro Atlanta since 2001. Call us and Experience the Premier Difference!

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