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5 Reasons to Get Regular Heater Tune-Ups

happy couple on couch

As we enjoy a “second summer” here in Georgia, you probably haven’t given much thought to your heater. Although we’re still getting warm weather during the day, temperatures have begun to cool down in the evening. Sooner or later, you’re going to need to make the switch to using your heater. 

When was the last time you had your heater tuned up? If it’s been a while, now is the perfect time to schedule your heater repair in Perry, GA. You don’t want to be left in the cold when the chilly weather arrives! 

There is more than one incentive to getting your heater checked out before you start using it heavily. Routine maintenance not only helps your system work more efficiently, but it’ll also decrease your repairs and energy usage in the long run. Let’s look at the many benefits of scheduling regular heater tune-ups. 

Equipment Longevity

Invest in the longevity of your heating equipment by scheduling regular tune-ups. If your system is newer or older, you still want it to work as efficiently as it can for as many years as possible. Maintenance is the best way to ensure the longest service life for your equipment. This can mean the difference between having to replace it at 10 years versus 15 years of age.

Reduce the Number of Repairs

The best way to avoid unexpected repairs is to have your heater serviced regularly. In fact, it’s been determined that 85% of repairs a heater may need during its lifetime can be avoided through regular inspections and tune-ups. Avoid the hassle, headache, and expense of unexpected breakdowns with routine maintenance.


For both gas and electric furnaces, improper maintenance can be a safety hazard. During a maintenance check, our technicians will look for loose connections, frayed wires, malfunctioning sequencers, and other potential safety concerns. Keep your family safe during the winter by scheduling routine maintenance with our team of professionals.

Save Energy

Did you know that when a heater is maintained regularly, it’ll operate at a rate of 95% efficiency? A heater that runs efficiently uses the least amount of energy. That’ll result in a decrease in your utility bills and an increase in your energy efficiency–a win-win in our opinion!

Avoid Emergency Repairs

No one wants their heater to break down, especially on a major holiday. Avoid the headache of an emergency repair during the holiday season by having it checked out now. 

What If I Have a Heat Pump?

Don’t assume that if you have a heat pump, routine maintenance isn’t as important. In fact, because heat pumps serve as both an air conditioner and a heater, maintenance is even more important. One annual maintenance service just isn’t going to cut it for this system. Ideally, it should be maintained twice a year–once before the cooling season and once before the heating season. 

Our unparalleled service, competitive prices, and overall value are why our customers keep returning. Contact Premier Heating & Air to schedule maintenance today. Experience the Premier Difference when you work with our team.

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