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How to Tell You Need Commercial Heating Repair


If your business is like most, it needs to have a heating system at work during the winter, or maybe around the year depending on the facility type. When something is this important for your business’s continuing success, you need to keep a close eye on it so that you catch any malfunctions early. That way you can call for commercial experts to take care of the necessary commercial HVAC repair in Dublin, GA necessary to keep your facility running smoothly.

Not all heating problems are obvious, at first, and that’s actually to your benefit. You can catch the issue early based on warning signs, then have our technicians on the job right away. If you move fast, you’ll have any problem stopped before the problem ends up stopping your heating system and leaving your business in the cold.

Below, we’ve put together a list of common warning signs that your commercial heating system needs the attention of HVAC professionals.

1. Thermostats Are Unresponsive or Require Too Much Adjustment

If you have standard thermostats to control and monitor the temperature of your facility, pay attention when the thermostats do not seem to be creating the temperature you desire, or when they require constant adjustments to get the right temperature. This can indicate trouble with either the thermostats or the heating system itself.

2. Uneven Heating Around the Facility

Employees, clients, and tenants may make you aware of hot and cold spots around your business. The center of the facility may still be at the right temperature, but outlying areas are switching to hot and cold extremes. This often warns of a major problem with the heater, so have it checked out as soon as possible.

3. High Energy Bills

You keep a close watch on the bottom line for your business, so if you see a spike in the energy costs to heat your facility, it’s often a major red flag of heating system trouble. If you can’t account for the rise in costs from increased use, then it’s time to enlist the assistance of commercial HVAC professionals to look into it. 

4. Unusual Noises

The heating system for your business should not make a racket that draws attention to itself. When the heater begins to create loud or strange sounds, it calls for a professional inspection.

5. Frequent Cycling

A heating system will run in regular cycles: it will turn on, run for 15 to 30 minutes (or longer for a larger facility), and then cycle down until it’s needed again. If you notice that the heating system is turning on and off more often than this, such as every five minutes or eight times or more per hour, the unit is short-cycling. This points toward a potentially serious problem. There are many possible explanations for short-cycling and you must have professionals diagnose the problem.

No matter what trouble you are having with your commercial heating system, you can rely on the pros at Premier to have it corrected. Reach out to us to schedule repairs or to arrange for regular maintenance that will help keep away repairs in the future.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001.

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