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Late Season Furnace Maintenance Tips

Spring is just around the corner and that means you’ll soon be making the transition from using your furnace to using your air conditioner if you haven’t done so already. But just because you’ll be using your furnace less doesn’t mean it’s okay to neglect furnace maintenance in Dublin, GA. 

The promise of warmer weather often inspires homeowners to tackle those home maintenance tasks they’ve been neglecting. Your furnace deserves some TLC after working hard to keep your home warm for the last few months. Here are some late-season maintenance tasks you can do to help ensure your furnace gets you through the rest of winter and prepare it for next season.

Change the Filter and Order New Ones

If you haven’t changed your furnace’s filter during the heating season, there’s no better time than the present to check it. When inspecting your furnace filter, look for dust, dirt, and debris. If you haven’t changed it in a while, it’ll be visibly dirty. Give it a good wash if it’s a reusable furnace or replace it if it’s a disposable one.

If it looks okay, how do you know if you should replace it? Furnace filters should be replaced depending on certain factors:

  • There are smokers in your home
  • You have multiple pets
  • There is moderate dust buildup in your home
  • You have family members with asthma, allergies, or respiratory problems

If any of these apply, changing the filter once a month is recommended. Using your furnace even for a month when the filter is dirty makes it work a lot harder than it needs to. Changing the filter now will help your furnace finish the season strong!

Later winter is also the perfect time to order filters for next season to make sure you’ll have them when you need them. Although supply issues have improved, having extra filters on hand is always a good idea. 

Get a Jump On Spring Cleaning

Over the winter, your furnace will attract dirt and debris. Cleaning it off with a damp rag is a good idea. You could also vacuum the interior of the furnace (making sure to turn it and the gas line off first). Now’s a good time to remove any objects that may have been deposited around the base of the furnace. It’s never a good idea to store objects too close to your furnace. For a more thorough cleaning, leave it to the professionals. 

Schedule Ductwork Service and Maintenance

A thorough spring cleaning can only do so much. Although you can examine the ductwork that’s visible in your home to check for dirt and damage, most of your ducts are hidden behind walls and the ceiling. Damaged or leaking ductwork contributes to many issues such as decreased energy efficiency and poor air quality. 

If you’ve never had your ductwork inspected, now’s the perfect time to do so before the cooling season kicks in. We’ll check your ducts for leaks and cracks and give them a thorough cleaning. If you’ve never had it done, duct cleaning is recommended every 3 years.

Contact the experts at Premier Heating & Air to schedule your furnace maintenance. When you work with us, you’ll Experience the Premier Difference.

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