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Spring Allergies, Duct Cleaning, and Indoor Air Quality


There’s a lot to love about springtime. Sunny days, warmer temperatures, spending more time outdoors, and the promise of summer. There are also some not-so-nice things about the spring season and one of these is the fact that it heralds allergy season.

Anyone who suffers from allergies knows it’s no joke. The constant sniffling, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes are guaranteed to put a damper on your enjoyment of spring. Taking allergy medications helps, but also causes unwanted side effects. 

Many allergy sufferers just put up with it, thinking there’s not much they can do. That’s where we come in. For any home with allergy sufferers or anyone who’s concerned about their indoor air quality (IAQ), read on to learn how duct services in Vidalia, GA can improve your IAQ along with the enjoyment of spring.

Your HVAC System’s Filter

It’s a common misconception that the filter in your HVAC system filters the air in your home. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. The air filter’s main job is to keep all the pollutants, dust, dirt, and dander in your home’s air from entering your HVAC system. Doing so keeps your expensive HVAC system’s interior clean and free of things that can hinder its performance. It’s an important job but has very little effect on your IAQ.

Is My Indoor Air Really That Bad?

Another common misconception is that your indoor air isn’t as bad as the air outside. In fact, some studies have shown that the indoor air quality of a home is often worse than the air outside. This is because your home not only generates pollutants, but pollutants from the outside also enter your home. Check out this list of common indoor air pollutants.

  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Building and painting products
  • Cleaning supplies and household chemicals
  • Pests such as mice and cockroaches and their feces
  • Dust mites and dust
  • Mold and mold spores
  • Pet and human dander
  • Secondhand smoke and wood-burning smoke
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Asbestos, formaldehyde, radon, lead, and carbon monoxide

Air Filtration and Air Purifier Systems

If you want to improve your home’s indoor air quality, consider having an air filtration system or a whole home air purification system installed. Both types of systems need to be installed by a professional HVAC company. 

  • A whole-house filtration system filters the air in your entire home. It’s designed to block up to 99% of these household pollutants.
  • A whole-house air purifier is a device that takes an extra step. It removes the pollutants from the air and then sanitizes them. 

The particles and pollutants that are sanitized by an air purifier system depend on the type of air purifier system that you choose.

  • UV air purifiers use UV light to inactivate airborne pathogens and micro-organisms such as mold spores, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Electronic air purifiers zap pollutants in the air with a static charge through the process of ionization. The pollutants are then trapped on collector plates which can be cleaned by the homeowner.

Do you want to know which system is going to meet your home’s needs the best? Reach out to our team to learn more about choosing a filter or purifier that will best help your indoor air quality. We can provide an assessment that will identify the biggest issues with your IAQ and recommend a system that will provide the biggest improvements.

Schedule an appointment with Premier Heating & Air and Experience the Premier Difference.

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