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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001



Is It Time For a New Heater for the New Year?


We hope that you enjoyed a safe, fun, and comfortable new year’s celebration. As we kick off the year, there are plenty of goals to strive for that will make the rest of the year that much better. Eating healthier and spending more time with loved ones are two great ones to be sure. Enjoying better home heating is a great addition to the list too!

It might seem a little unusual. However, making better comfort a goal is a great idea. You don’t want last year’s heating struggles to follow you into the new year, do you? Of course not! That’s why now is a great time to schedule the heating services in Dublin, GA that you need … such as a system replacement.

“Do I repair or replace my heater?”

You’ve likely encountered problems with your heating system before. You’re no stranger to needing to make a repair call every few years. But what if you need more than a repair this time?

It can be tough to figure out if you need to repair or replace your heating system. Let’s look at how to tell that the time to upgrade has finally arrived so you can get the help you really need.

  1. Your repair bills are way too high. How expensive was your last repair bill? If it could have paid for half or more of a new system then you would be better off putting those funds towards a new heater. Extremely high repair bills are a sign that repairs just aren’t going to cut it anymore.
  2. Your heater needs repairs too often. How often is too often when it comes to fixing your heater? Once a year. You should only need repairs for your system every few years at the most, especially if you are getting regular maintenance. Needing repairs on a yearly basis indicates a system that is on its way out.
  3. The heater is old. How long have you had your heating system? If it has been a few years, you likely can get by with a repair to fix whatever is troubling the system. If you’ve had the heater for over 10 years though, it means you likely need a replacement. Even if the heater is still technically running, it won’t offer the effectiveness and efficiency of a new system.
  4. The heater can’t produce reliable heat. Maybe you get some heat but not enough. Maybe you notice that your heater runs for an hour and makes no difference in your home’s temperature. Maybe it doesn’t produce air at all anymore. These are all cases in which a heater should be replaced.

So, does it sound like you could use a new heating system? If so, now is a great time to invest in one. You can kick off the year with a new heater and ride out the rest of the coldest months with reliable heat in your home, rather than fighting to stay warm.

Whether you need repairs or a replacement, you can reach out to us for help.

Schedule your appointment with Premier Heating & Air. Experience the Premier Difference when you work with our technicians.

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