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Will Your Heating System Make It Through the Winter?

It’s true here in Georgia, you don’t use your heating system nearly as much as your air conditioner. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get cold enough that you can go without a reliable heating system over the winter. 

Not using your system as much is also one of the main reasons why homeowners procrastinate thinking about heating installation in Dublin, GA. Perhaps you know it’s problematic and are hoping it’ll last for another winter.

But if you suspect that you’ll need a new HVAC system installed, it’s best to at least start planning for it now. That way, you won’t find yourself with a broken-down furnace on the coldest day of the year. So how do you really know when it’s time for a new heating system? Let’s look at these factors now. 

The Questions to Ask About Your Current Furnace

The best way to approach the decision about getting a new central furnace is to ask why you started to consider a replacement in the first place.

  • The age of your heating system: The age of a furnace or heat pump is a key factor in determining how much longer it could last. The average age of a heat pump, gas furnace, or electric furnace is 10–15 years if it’s had regular maintenance. Electric furnaces can last longer, but if your system is at the tail end of this estimate, it’s time to think about replacement. Your system is no longer working efficiently and your home comfort is probably suffering.
  • Your utility costs keep rising: A heating system should maintain about 95% of its efficiency up until the last few years of its service life. When your heating bills begin climbing or even worse—have skyrocketed with no correlation in usage—it’s likely that the system’s age is affecting its efficiency.
  • You’ve received a costly repair estimate: Are you faced with a potentially costly repair? Repairs that cost more than 50% of the price of a new furnace aren’t worth it. Neither is paying more than $500 a year on repairs. You should strongly consider if that money is better spent on a new system.
  • Your home comfort is suffering: Does your heating system not run well? Perhaps you’ve noticed pockets of cold air or rooms that aren’t adequately heated. Trying to make do with an uncomfortable home, especially with the holiday season coming up, isn’t worth it. It’s time to talk to one of our team members to discuss your options for heating system replacement. 
  • You want a different type of system or one that’s more efficient: If you have an old furnace, you may want a different type of heating system such as a heat pump. These have become increasingly popular in Georgia as they’re perfect for climates like ours. You may also want to upgrade to a more energy-efficient furnace that’ll save money on utility costs over the lifespan of the unit. 

Contact Premier Heating & Air for heating installation in Dublin, GA and Experience the Premier Difference.

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