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Family-Owned & Operated Since 2001



We’re Getting Cooked! Why Is My Furnace Overheating My House?

Staying toasty warm in your home during winter is a pleasure. But you definitely can get too hot to the point where running outside into the cold feels refreshing. If you keep the thermostat in your home set at a pleasant temperature (we recommend 68°F during the day to help save energy), you shouldn’t have a problem with just the right balance of winter comfort.

Unless your furnace has other plans. If your house feels abnormally warm when the furnace is running, you may need to schedule furnace service in Conyers, GA with the Premier team to see what needs to be done. In this post, we’ll look at some reasons that your furnace has decided to crank up to heat to uncomfortable levels.

Thermostat Trouble

You’ve checked the thermostat to make certain it isn’t set incorrectly. But the thermostat may still be the problem if it has malfunctions. One common issue is a thermostat miscalibration, when the thermostat is reading temperatures in the house several degrees off. If the thermostat registers that your house is 5° cooler than it really is, it will run for longer to deliver an indoor temperature that’s 5° hotter than you want. And 5° can be the difference between “cozy” and “why does the house feel like a sauna?” A thermostat can also have wire trouble leading it to fail to turn the furnace off at the correct time.

Clogged Filters

We mention clogged filters often because they’re the source of so much trouble with heating systems. But how can a clogged filter that restricts airflow lead to the furnace making the house too hot? The answer is that a clogged filter can cause the blower fan to slow down its speed and cause hot air to linger for longer. Often, this will lead to the furnace overheating and shutting down because the heat exchanger won’t cool. If you’re experiencing an overheated house and a furnace that keeps tripping its limit switch (which monitors the heat exchanger temperature), it’s definitely time to call for HVAC professionals.

Constant Running Furnace

When you’ve got an overheated house, listen to the furnace as it goes through its heating cycle. Is it running for longer than you expect? The normal furnace heating cycle is about 15–20 minutes. A furnace that’s staying on for longer will overheat a home, but it also warns that something else is amiss with it that requires repairs. There are several possible causes for this, such as a clogged air filter (yes, that again), a stuck motor relay, faulty thermostat (another callback!), electrical wiring issues, and more. We recommend you shut off the furnace at its furnace switch and have experts examine it.

Don’t Waste Money on Heat You Don’t Need

Something to keep in mind when you’ve got an overheated house: you’re not just losing out on winter comfort, you’re probably losing money! A furnace that’s working too hard to make your house too hot is one that’s gobbling up enormous amounts of natural gas and/or electricity. Solving the problem fast will get you back to enjoying winter and stop a useless drain on your budget.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001.

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