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Humidity and Your AC: What You Need to Know


Do air conditioning systems help with the humidity in a home? This is a common question that people ask HVAC technicians, and it’s especially a concern in Nashville because it can get quite humid during the summer. High humidity doesn’t raise the temperature on a hot day, but it does make it harder for people’s bodies to cool off, and this can mean the indoor temperature can feel 8° to 10° hotter than it is. Not fun!

So, does the AC provide any help in controlling this, aside from lowering the actual indoor temperature? We’ll talk about this below as well as look into a possible solution, installing a dehumidifier in Nashville, TN.

An AC does dehumidify—but that’s not its specific job

Your air conditioning system does have a dehumidifying effect, but this is more of a side effect of its primary function, which is to cool your home. Here’s how it works:

When warm air from your home passes over the evaporator coils in your AC unit, the refrigerant inside these coils absorbs heat from the air. As the air cools, it loses its capacity to hold moisture, which condenses on the coils. This condensed moisture then drips into a pan and is drained away.

While this process does remove some humidity from the air, the amount is relatively small. Air conditioners are not designed to dehumidify air to comfortable levels in extremely humid climates. Their main job is to lower the air temperature, not control humidity levels.

On days when the humidity is moderate, your AC might be able to keep your home feeling comfortable. However, during extremely humid days, you might find that your air conditioner struggles to maintain a pleasant indoor environment. This is because when the humidity is very high, the air conditioner can’t effectively remove enough moisture from the air. Running your air conditioner constantly to combat high humidity can increase your energy bills and put unnecessary strain on your system.

For serious humidity, you’ll need a whole-house dehumidifier

If you live in an area like Nashville where high humidity is a frequent issue, a whole-house dehumidifier can be an excellent investment. Whole-house dehumidifiers are designed to remove large amounts of moisture from the air, making your indoor environment more comfortable. By maintaining optimal humidity levels, these systems can also help reduce the growth of mold and mildew, improve indoor air quality, and protect your home and belongings from moisture damage.

Additionally, with a whole-house dehumidifier, your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool, potentially lowering your energy bills and extending the life of your AC unit.

Work with us for humidity control and other comfort solutions

At Premier Heating & Air, we understand the challenges that high humidity can present. That’s why we offer comprehensive humidity control solutions, including the installation of whole-house dehumidifiers. Our experienced technicians can help you choose the right system for your home and ensure it’s installed correctly for optimal performance.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001. 

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