A Failing AC? How to Know Before Summer Arrives

April 1st, 2024

If you’ve lived through a summer in Nashville before, you know how hot it can get. Try to imagine living here if you didn’t have an air conditioning system to cool your home. Not a pleasant thought!

But you do have a central AC for your house. Good so far! Now ask yourself if you think that AC is coming to the end of its service life. You don’t want to head into the heat of summer with a failing air conditioner—you’ll end up trapped on a hot day with no cooling, scrambling to arrange for an air conditioning replacement in Nashville, TN.

We don’t want you to go through that, so we’re going to look at some of the ways to tell you’ve got an air conditioner that’s ready to retire. 

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Do You Need to Get a New AC Before Summer?

March 25th, 2024

The summer heat may still seem far off at the start of spring, but it’s on the way. Do you have an air conditioning system that will be able to handle it? No AC lasts forever, and the spring is a good time to ask yourself if your AC is ready for a replacement. 

We know that you don’t want to jump to the conclusion that it’s time for a new air conditioning installation in Maysville, KY, so in this post we’re going to look at ways to tell when your current AC is too worn down to continue working. Always seek out the opinion of professionals before making a decision about getting a new AC. You can count on our professionals to provide you with the assistance you need.

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It’s Time to Get an Air Conditioner Tune-Up

March 25th, 2024

Spring is good news for most people—the weather gets warmer, the days grow longer. But since those warm days will eventually turn into hot days when summer arrives, spring is also the best time to prepare your air conditioner to handle the heat. Your AC does plenty of work each summer to cool your house, and unless it has routine maintenance to alleviate all that strain, it can mean trouble in the short-term and long-term.

Fortunately, scheduling air conditioning maintenance in Forsyth, GA is straightforward: contact our team and sign up for our Premier Maintenance Plan if you aren’t already a member. We’ll then get you on the schedule for the next convenient appointment to inspect and tune up your AC. Membership also includes maintenance for your heating system, which you’ll need in the fall.

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How Can I Tell It’s Time to Have My Home’s Air Ducts Cleaned?

March 25th, 2024

Many homeowners don’t give much thought to the ductwork in their home. It’s mostly hidden from sight, and so it’s easy to forget about it, assuming it will continue to do its job of transporting heated and cooled air to all the rooms. 

But these ducts pick up dust, lint, and other debris over time, and eventually the build-up will create troubles for the HVAC system, your budget, and your home in general. Only routine professional air duct cleaning in Covington, GA can correct this … but how will you be able to tell it’s time to arrange for this service with our team?

Well, let’s look at several of the major ways to tell you need air duct cleaning…

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What To Do When Your Business’ HVAC Stops Working

March 25th, 2024

If you’re a business owner, you understand the important role that your HVAC system plays in maintaining a comfortable and productive work environment for your employees, customers, clients, tenants, etc. The HVAC system is also important for protecting equipment and helping parts of your business to function. 

But even with the best regular maintenance for your HVAC equipment, something can still go wrong unexpectedly. When that happens, you can’t wait for the situation to simply “get better” (it won’t). You’ll need to act quickly to deal with it, and that will likely include calling for experts in commercial HVAC in Dublin, GA to repair or replace the non-working components.

Let’s go through a step-by-step process of what you can do if you’re faced with a commercial HVAC emergency.

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The Top 5 Benefits of Spring AC Maintenance

March 18th, 2024

Your AC needs a regular tune-up, just like your car does. You might not think about your air conditioning system as much as your vehicle—you don’t use the air conditioner year round—but if you ignore its maintenance needs, it can create plenty of problems.

We recommend our customers arrange for professional air conditioning maintenance in Sandersville, GA each spring, well in time for the big heat of summer. We’ve been in business for more than 20 years, so we’ve seen how beneficial this regular service is for our customers. Need more convincing? Follow along below as we look at the top five benefits of scheduling annual spring maintenance for your air conditioning system.

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A Big AC Question Before Summer: Repair vs. Replace? 

March 18th, 2024

It’s time to think about your air conditioning system, even if you haven’t started to use it regularly. One crucial step to take during spring is to have a professional do a thorough maintenance inspection and tune-up so the AC is prepped to handle the heat. This is the standard annual procedure. 

But you may be in a situation where you have an aging air conditioner (10 years or older) and suspect that it’s starting to run down. The big question: should you have the air conditioner replaced before summer, or can you get by for several more years with repairs as needed? 

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Why You Need to Schedule AC Maintenance Each Spring

March 18th, 2024

It’s that time of year again—the season for scheduling air conditioning maintenance in Nashville, TN. The spring weather may not force you to turn your AC on just yet, but you know that another hot summer is on its way, and the heat waves could arrive early. You want to have an air conditioner you can count on to run reliably and without draining your bank account unnecessarily.

Unfortunately, many homeowners forget to have professional air conditioning maintenance in spring, or they don’t think it’s important enough to do each year. We want to convince you that regular AC maintenance is an essential task if you want the best from your cooling system. 

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New AC? This Might Be the Spring to Spring for One

March 11th, 2024

Winter’s almost over—it moved by fast! That doesn’t mean it’s time to switch on your AC yet, but it is a good time to start thinking about your air conditioning system. Spring is the season to schedule annual air conditioning maintenance to ensure your cooling system is in optimal condition for the rigors of a hot summer.

Maintenance, however, won’t keep an air conditioner going forever. At some point, any AC will become so worn down from use and age that it needs to be replaced. In today’s post, we’re going to see if you have an AC that’s ready for retirement. You can trust our technicians for a new AC installation in Forsyth, GA when it’s time. We can also give you the expert advice that will help you make the best decision about your AC’s future. 

Until then, let’s examine ways to tell your current AC is on the way out.

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A Quick Guide to Getting Your AC in Shape This Spring

March 11th, 2024

Summer weather may still seem like it’s far away, but it’s not too early to start getting your home ready for the shift in seasons. Making sure you have an AC that’s ready to get to work when you need it is an important part of spring preparations. After all, if there’s anything wrong with your central AC, you’ll want to know it early so you can arrange for air conditioning repair in Maysville, GA at a convenient time when you don’t need the system to keep the house cool.

How to get started? It’s easy. We’ve put together a quick guide to the steps to take. (The last one is extremely important!)

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