How Cool Can the AC Make My House?

June 7th, 2021

Have you ever wondered when you looked at the thermostat for your house if you could make all the rooms even colder than the lowest reading? On most thermostats, the lowest setting possible is 60°/65°F. But could the AC make the house even colder than that? What are the limits of the cooling power of an air conditioner?

We don’t think this is a frivolous question, and the answer isn’t just trivia. Understanding the limits of your home’s air conditioning system can make it easier for you to know how much you can push it and when you should rein back. Below we’ll get into how cool the AC can make your house.

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What’s Wrong With Your AC?

May 24th, 2021

Summer is coming up fast. Are you prepared? We aren’t really asking if you have your bathing suit and sunscreen at the ready. Right now, what we are really asking is if your air conditioner is going to be able to keep your home comfortable for when you return from your pool day.

If you’ve started to notice something seems off with your AC unit, it may mean you need to schedule repairs with a professional technician. The sooner you get your system checked and fixed, the cooler your summer will be.

Let’s explore what might be going wrong with your system so you know if you need to contact us for AC repairs in Perry, GA.

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Humidity Is Bad News in Summer for More Than One Reason

May 24th, 2021

Although we’re used to thinking of humidity as an all-around negative, that’s not true. In fact, during a cool winter day, a rise in humidity takes the edge off the colder temperatures and makes it easier to stay warm. Humidity also keeps skin moisturized and prevents dried-out sinuses.

But these are all winter issues, and we’re now at the end of spring, with temperatures and humidity on the rise. Nobody likes high humidity in the summer! 

You can’t do much about high humidity levels outdoors, but there are solutions to help inside your home. Central AC repairs in Conyers, GA from our technicians can help an air conditioner get better control over humid conditions, and we also offer installation of powerful whole-house dehumidifiers that allow you to balance humidity at the perfect spot between too humid and too dry. 

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How Poor Airflow Can Ruin Your Comfort

May 10th, 2021

Imagine a warm summer evening with a nice breeze. On evenings with conditions like that, many of us may be tempted to go out for an after dinner walk and, if the breeze is strong enough, crack the windows to keep the house comfortable and give the AC system break.

However, if you have a balmy summer evening with completely dead air, it is a different story. Poor airflow can make any day a lot less comfortable. It comes as no surprise that poor airflow from your AC is going to be less than helpful for your home comfort as well.

You obviously cannot control the wind but you can control the quality of airflow in your home. Poor airflow from your air conditioner isn’t something that just happens. It is a problem that can be caused by more than one issue. Here are some of the reasons that your AC may have poor airflow. If you are encountering any of these issues make sure to reach out to our team for AC repairs in Warner Robbins.

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Can I Add a Central AC to My House?

May 10th, 2021

Not all homes in Atlanta were built when central air conditioning systems were common. For these homes, it might seem like having a new central AC installed is impossible. They’ll just have to do with clunky window air conditioning units.

But this isn’t necessarily true! Adding central air conditioning to a home is not as difficult as you might imagine, and there are several ways our technicians can provide your house with a central AC installation in Conyers, GA. You can pitch those ugly and inefficient window units into the recycling yard and enjoy great cooling throughout the rooms of your home.

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Clean Ducts Can Make a Difference

April 26th, 2021

Duct cleaning is an important aspect of property upkeep, ensuring the proper function of your home’s heating or cooling system. Any issue with the ductwork may lead to several issues that might disrupt proper cooling or heating, making you call for early maintenance or repairs. 

Essentially, air duct cleaning intends to make sure the air inside your home is pollutant-free and the required temperature. An HVAC company may clean your system’s air ducts by providing services such as pre-inspection of the ducts and debris removal from the heating and cooling system components. Additionally, it may also include a post-cleaning inspection and run-through of the system to ensure the cleaning was successful. 

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No, You Shouldn’t See Ice on Your Air Conditioner

April 26th, 2021

In this post, we’re going to clear up a common misconception people have about air conditioning systems. It’s an important one to know about since it can lead to needing major AC repair in Conyers, GA if the problem isn’t properly addressed. 

The misconception: It’s normal to see ice forming on parts of the air conditioner.

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Understanding an AC System’s Energy Efficiency Ratings

April 12th, 2021

An air conditioning system comes with a set of ratings to describe its maximum energy efficiency performance: how effectively it takes its electrical power and converts it into cooling output. Air conditioners are becoming more efficient with each year as technology advances, and your current AC may be from an earlier era and consume more power than necessary.

In this post we’re going to guide you through how air conditioning efficiencies work. This can help you understand the efficiency of your air conditioner, or it may come in handy if you are looking to have a new AC installed this spring. 

A word of caution: you will need professional air conditioning services in Conyers, GA if you make any changes to your AC setup. Only professional HVAC technicians can find the ideal new unit for you, and efficiency ratings aren’t the only criteria you need to know. 

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AC Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

April 12th, 2021

The air conditioner is the hub of your home. When it’s working as it should, no one notices it. But air conditioners, like most home appliances, require regular upkeep and maintenance.

They undergo considerable wear and tear in the summer, which can cause a slew of mechanical issues, and in turn, create some annoying sounds. If you hear the following four AC noises, it may be time to call for air conditioning services.

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Should You Consider a Heat Pump for Your Home?

March 29th, 2021

If you’ve been looking for a good reason to upgrade your existing HVAC system to a heat pump, we have some ideas you may want to consider that can offer cost-effective advantages and higher comfort for your family.

If you’ve been looking for a Warner Robbins heating and air conditioning solution, then a heat pump may be a wise investment.

But first, it helps to understand what heat pumps are and how they work.

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