When Should I Schedule Duct Testing?

March 29th, 2021

Right now!

Okay, maybe we jumped the gun there—but we usually find that when people wonder if they need to have some service done on their ductwork, they need to have duct testing. In other words, if you think something is wrong with your ducts, something probably is. 

We can give you a more detailed breakdown on when to schedule duct testing and why. Just follow us below.

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Why Turn to a Pro For Your AC Needs

March 15th, 2021

Even if you are not using your air conditioner right now, it pays to pay attention to its operation when you do turn it on. Are you noticing odd noises? What about weak airflow? If you pick up on these or any other concerning issues coming from your air conditioner the next time you turn it on, then it is likely that the system will require some additional aid.

If you need air conditioning maintenance or repairs your best option is going to be to turn to a professional technician to get the job done. Premier Heating & Air is your go-to HVAC company in Warner Robbins, GA for your air conditioning needs.

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How Ductless HVAC Systems Work

March 15th, 2021

If you’re interested in making a change to your home’s HVAC system, or you’re planning a first HVAC installation for a new house, you may have heard about ductless mini split heat pumps as an option. You might not be sure exactly how they work, but that’s why you have a professional HVAC company in McDonough, GA like us to help. We work with the finest ductless heating and cooling systems on the market, and we’re happy to provide you with all the information you need to make a great choice for home comfort.

We can start helping you right now with a quick overview of how ductless HVAC systems work.

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The Problem With a Dirty Evaporator Coil

March 1st, 2021

The evaporator coil in your heat pump or even your central air conditioner is responsible for transferring heat. In your heat pump, this can mean that it moves heat out of your home or into your home depending on what mode it is in. Of course for a central AC, the evaporator coils are responsible simply for pulling heat out of the home.

This part of your HVAC system is vital. That is why when it becomes dirty or even starts to malfunction it is a big problem. Let us explain the problems that can arise when you have a dirty evaporator coil and how we can help.  

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March Is Here: Schedule Your AC Maintenance Soon!

March 1st, 2021

March is one of the borderline months of the year. It’s considered one of the four “spring months,” even though spring doesn’t officially start until the third week. But there is still something wonderful about seeing March on the calendar, because it means that winter conditions will soon be behind us. 

For us, March is the Season of AC Maintenance, and we want our customers to know that as well. This is the ideal time to have routine inspections and tune-ups done on your AC so it is ready to handle the onset of hot weather, no matter how early it occurs.

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It Isn’t Too Early for Heat Pump Maintenance

February 15th, 2021

When you live around here it is important to have a system that is going to be able to keep you comfortable all year long. Some homes use a combination of a central air conditioner and a heater such as a furnace. However, others use a heat pump mini split.

Heat pumps are well known for being effective and efficient at providing comfort to homes around Dublin. The catch here is that they still need maintenance just like any other system. Okay, maybe not quite like every other system; since they offer both heating and cooling they actually need it twice a year.

Heat pump maintenance in Dublin is an important service and it is never too early to schedule it.

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Always Adjusting the Thermostat? You May Need Heating Help!

February 15th, 2021

Do you know how best to set the thermostat in your house for both comfort and energy efficiency in winter? It isn’t difficult to learn. You only need to remember two things: 1) keep it set at a steady temperature during the day and a lower temperature at night, 2) aim to make the daytime temperature around 68°F. 

If you follow these basic guidelines, you should enjoy a warm house without needing to touch the thermostat except to make the adjustment between day and night or before leave the house. And if you have a programmable or smart thermostat, you won’t even need to do that much!

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“What Are My Heating Options?”

February 1st, 2021

Maybe you are waiting for the finishing touches to be put on your new home. Or perhaps you have recently discovered that the heating system in your newly purchased house is … pretty much useless. You need a reliable heater for your home, especially on some of the colder days we get around here.

If you are on the hunt for a heater installation in Dublin, we’d love to help you out. We already offer some of the best heating systems around and we have quality installation services to match. Let us help you choose the best heater for your home and give it the best start possible with our installation work.

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Fresh Air in Winter, Without the Cold? There’s a Way…

February 1st, 2021

Fresh air is good. We all know this because we were told this since we were children. But it’s harder to get fresh air into a house today than it used to be. Modern homes are built “tight” to increase energy efficiency: less heat gained in hot weather, less heat lost in cold weather. But this tightness traps air indoors and keeps out a fresh breeze that can sweep away the stale, sometimes muggy indoor air. 

If you want fresh air in your house, what can you do? Opening the windows is the obvious way—but right now it’s winter. You don’t want to let the chill outdoor temperatures into the house, which will force the heater to work longer to warm the rooms up again. 

So are you simply stuck during the winter with a closed-up house? No, there’s a workaround. Actually, an installation. It’s called an energy recovery ventilator and it can make a huge difference for your indoor air quality and energy savings.

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The Difference Our Commercial Services Make

January 18th, 2021

If you come to our team for residential HVAC services, then you may be interested to know that we provide commercial services too. This means that, whether you run a retail store or an office space, we can use our expertise and dedication to customer service to keep your commercial space as comfortable as possible.

Did you know about our commercial services in Dublin, GA? If not, let us give you a quick look at what we can do to keep your commercial environment optimally comfortable. We believe in investing in our community and that includes our local businesses!

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