Premier Heating and Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Tips’

AC Not Working? Try These 6 Troubleshooting Steps First

Monday, September 12th, 2022

The end of summer is a serious “danger zone” for even the best air conditioning system. Professional maintenance in the spring will give your air conditioner the best chance of getting through the full season and into the early fall without major troubles. However, the strain from working for several months can still overwhelm an AC, no matter how well cared-for, and require you to call our team for AC repair in Conyers, GA.

But if your AC stops working, we recommend you go through several troubleshooting steps first before you contact us. A simple issue may be the source of the AC’s trouble, and you might be able to clear it up on your own. 

You can tackle these six steps in any order:

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Be Comfort-Wise With Your Thermostat!

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

You know how a thermostat works. You’ve probably been around them in the homes you’ve lived in throughout your life. When you want the house to be cooler, you lower the setting. When you want the house to be warmer, you raise it. You can also turn the fan on and off, maybe a few other little features, but that’s it.

However, it isn’t as simple as we’ve described it. In our experience as HVAC experts, we’ve seen people make many mistakes with their thermostat settings so they end up wasting energy and not getting the comfort they need. Sending the thermostat setting zig-zagging through a summer day depending on how you currently feel can mean higher bills than necessary and a house that goes hot and cold rather than where you need it.

We’re going to give you the knowledge you need to be “comfort wise”!

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