Premier Heating and Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Conyers’

It’s Still Warm, But Now Is the Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 11th, 2021

We’re enjoying warm weather this October, and we don’t expect to have any cold temperatures tear through for a few weeks, maybe more. That doesn’t mean you can put off thinking about your home heating system until the winter weather arrives. Right now, in the middle of fall, is a great time to schedule maintenance for your home’s heating system.

This doesn’t have to be a burden for you. We make it easy! Our Energy Savings Agreement provides a plan for maintaining your heating and air conditioning systems each year. If you aren’t already signed up, just reach out to us today and we’ll set up your appointment for heating maintenance in Conyers, GA or elsewhere in our service area.

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AC Noises and What They Might Be Telling You

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Central air conditioners run quieter than ever before, which makes strange sounds more obvious. When you hear your AC starting to make noises you haven’t heard before, please don’t shrug them off. Often, these sounds are warnings to call our technicians for air conditioning repair in Conyers, GA.

Below is a list of some of the more common warning sounds you may hear from your AC and what they might mean.

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The Difference Between Puron and Freon Explained

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

An air conditioning system uses refrigerant to cool the air. This refrigerant is a blend of chemicals that can easily change between liquid and gaseous states by evaporating and condensing. By evaporating refrigerant in the indoor coil and condensing it in the outdoor coil, an air conditioner moves heat from inside the house to the outside.

Over the history of electro-mechanical air conditioning systems, there have been many different refrigerants. Very early air conditioners used ammonia, sulfur dioxide, methyl chloride, or propane—all of which are either toxic, combustible, or both. This limited the use of air conditioning systems to commercial and industrial buildings. Eventually, ACs were designed to use safer refrigerants, and this is where we come to Freon and Puron. People often have questions about what these names mean and if it has an effect on their air conditioning system. We are here with the answers.

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How Cool Can the AC Make My House?

Monday, June 7th, 2021

Have you ever wondered when you looked at the thermostat for your house if you could make all the rooms even colder than the lowest reading? On most thermostats, the lowest setting possible is 60°/65°F. But could the AC make the house even colder than that? What are the limits of the cooling power of an air conditioner?

We don’t think this is a frivolous question, and the answer isn’t just trivia. Understanding the limits of your home’s air conditioning system can make it easier for you to know how much you can push it and when you should rein back. Below we’ll get into how cool the AC can make your house.

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Humidity Is Bad News in Summer for More Than One Reason

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Although we’re used to thinking of humidity as an all-around negative, that’s not true. In fact, during a cool winter day, a rise in humidity takes the edge off the colder temperatures and makes it easier to stay warm. Humidity also keeps skin moisturized and prevents dried-out sinuses.

But these are all winter issues, and we’re now at the end of spring, with temperatures and humidity on the rise. Nobody likes high humidity in the summer! 

You can’t do much about high humidity levels outdoors, but there are solutions to help inside your home. Central AC repairs in Conyers, GA from our technicians can help an air conditioner get better control over humid conditions, and we also offer installation of powerful whole-house dehumidifiers that allow you to balance humidity at the perfect spot between too humid and too dry. 

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No, You Shouldn’t See Ice on Your Air Conditioner

Monday, April 26th, 2021

In this post, we’re going to clear up a common misconception people have about air conditioning systems. It’s an important one to know about since it can lead to needing major AC repair in Conyers, GA if the problem isn’t properly addressed. 

The misconception: It’s normal to see ice forming on parts of the air conditioner.

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Understanding an AC System’s Energy Efficiency Ratings

Monday, April 12th, 2021

An air conditioning system comes with a set of ratings to describe its maximum energy efficiency performance: how effectively it takes its electrical power and converts it into cooling output. Air conditioners are becoming more efficient with each year as technology advances, and your current AC may be from an earlier era and consume more power than necessary.

In this post we’re going to guide you through how air conditioning efficiencies work. This can help you understand the efficiency of your air conditioner, or it may come in handy if you are looking to have a new AC installed this spring. 

A word of caution: you will need professional air conditioning services in Conyers, GA if you make any changes to your AC setup. Only professional HVAC technicians can find the ideal new unit for you, and efficiency ratings aren’t the only criteria you need to know. 

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When Should I Schedule Duct Testing?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Right now!

Okay, maybe we jumped the gun there—but we usually find that when people wonder if they need to have some service done on their ductwork, they need to have duct testing. In other words, if you think something is wrong with your ducts, something probably is. 

We can give you a more detailed breakdown on when to schedule duct testing and why. Just follow us below.

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March Is Here: Schedule Your AC Maintenance Soon!

Monday, March 1st, 2021

March is one of the borderline months of the year. It’s considered one of the four “spring months,” even though spring doesn’t officially start until the third week. But there is still something wonderful about seeing March on the calendar, because it means that winter conditions will soon be behind us. 

For us, March is the Season of AC Maintenance, and we want our customers to know that as well. This is the ideal time to have routine inspections and tune-ups done on your AC so it is ready to handle the onset of hot weather, no matter how early it occurs.

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Always Adjusting the Thermostat? You May Need Heating Help!

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Do you know how best to set the thermostat in your house for both comfort and energy efficiency in winter? It isn’t difficult to learn. You only need to remember two things: 1) keep it set at a steady temperature during the day and a lower temperature at night, 2) aim to make the daytime temperature around 68°F. 

If you follow these basic guidelines, you should enjoy a warm house without needing to touch the thermostat except to make the adjustment between day and night or before leave the house. And if you have a programmable or smart thermostat, you won’t even need to do that much!

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