Premier Heating and Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Dehumidifiers’

Spring Planning: Have You Considered a Whole-House Dehumidifier?

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Spring is just around the corner, and while warmer weather is a welcome change, it also brings higher humidity levels. If you’ve lived in Georgia for any length of time, you know that humidity isn’t just a minor inconvenience—it can make your home uncomfortable, exacerbate allergies, and even lead to mold growth.

While many homeowners rely on portable dehumidifiers, these small units are often inadequate for controlling humidity levels throughout an entire home. That’s where a whole-house dehumidifier in Forsyth, GA comes in. Let’s explore why a whole-house dehumidifier is a must-have for Georgia homeowners.

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Humidity and Your AC: What You Need to Know

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Do air conditioning systems help with the humidity in a home? This is a common question that people ask HVAC technicians, and it’s especially a concern in Nashville because it can get quite humid during the summer. High humidity doesn’t raise the temperature on a hot day, but it does make it harder for people’s bodies to cool off, and this can mean the indoor temperature can feel 8° to 10° hotter than it is. Not fun!

So, does the AC provide any help in controlling this, aside from lowering the actual indoor temperature? We’ll talk about this below as well as look into a possible solution, installing a dehumidifier in Nashville, TN.

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Is My AC Enough to Handle Humidity?

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Humidity, the amount of water moisture in the air, is a well-known enemy of summer comfort. When relative humidity is high (above 60%), it makes it harder for the human body to release heat through perspiration. With more heat trapped in the body, temperatures feel hotter. An 80°F summer day can feel like it’s 90°F. That’s the power that humidity can have over your comfort.

High humidity can create other troubles in a home. All that moisture makes it easier for mold and mildew to grow, leading to a combination of building damage and nasty allergy triggers. Moisture isn’t good for electronics in a home either.

At this point, you might say, “Isn’t my AC taking care of the humidity? After all, it makes the house cooler.” There’s a story to that, as we’ll explain. We’re not only pros when it comes to air conditioning, we also work with dehumidifiers in Maysville, KY, and we can give you the lowdown on your AC and humidity.

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How a Dehumidifier Can Benefit Your House

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Humidity is a big part of our summer seasons, and anyone who’s had to go through a humid day knows how much worse it makes the heat feel. High humidity can cause several problems for your household, both the people in it and the house itself, and we recommend scheduling an installation of a whole-house dehumidifier in Perry, GA to combat this problem. You’ll enjoy more benefits than just better comfort, as we’ll explain below.

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We Can Help You Combat Allergy Season

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Most people like it when the weather starts to warm up at the start of spring. But the change in seasons brings with it a new challenge: allergies and asthma. As the temperatures start to rise, the pollen count in the air drastically increases—it’s allergy season! If you have people in your household who suffer from allergies such as asthma, this can be an unpleasant time filled with congestion, coughing, eye and nose irritation, and more. 

You can take steps to alleviate the health problems of allergy season. Seeing an allergist for recommendations on medications, for example. On a simpler level, you can make a dutiful effort to remove as much dust from your home. 

Did you know that a quality HVAC company can help make allergy season easier? Our Premier team can really show you the Premier Difference with services like installing air filters and purifiers in in Perry, GA. Let’s look at several ways we can help you beat allergy season.

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Is It the Heat or Is It the Humidity?

Monday, October 9th, 2023

We’re no strangers to humidity in Georgia. Most people assume that high humidity is just a part of living in this area and are resigned to the idea that there’s nothing they can do about it. However, high humidity has many detrimental effects not only on your health, but on your home as well.

High heat alone is dangerous, and when it’s combined with high humidity, your body has an even harder time cooling down. Humidity can cause a number of physical and mental health issues. Although you can’t control the humidity when you’re out and about, you can do something about the humidity level in your home by installing a whole house dehumidifier.

Let’s go over the negative effects of high humidity.

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Maintaining a Whole-House Dehumidifier: Tips for Optimal Performance and Service Life

Monday, June 19th, 2023

We are big proponents of using whole-house dehumidifiers in Riverdale, GA and throughout South Metro Atlanta. Georgia experiences high humidity during much of the summer, and this humidity not only makes it much harder to stay cool, it can lead to damage to homes due to mold growth, the presence of bad odors, and even health issues because of black mold spores. Arranging with us to install a whole-house dehumidifier will make a huge difference in your house, and not just for comfort.

If you’ve already got a whole-house dehumidifier, you can’t expect it to just keep working year after year without problems, especially considering how much moisture it must remove from your indoor air. You need to take care of some regular maintenance steps and schedule professional maintenance as well. 

Here are our tips for getting a long life and best performance from your whole-house dehumidifier. 

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These Services Can Help Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, June 20th, 2022

Spending extended amounts of time in a place with poor air quality can lead to issues with allergy symptoms, respiratory troubles, and general discomfort. We understand why many people would avoid being in this kind of environment—but a problem arises when the dusty air is in your home.

No amount of dusting and vacuuming will combat poor indoor air quality. We are glad to say though that we have indoor air quality services in Dublin that can. Read on to learn more about how we can help you clean up the air in your home.

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How Cool Can the AC Make My House?

Monday, June 7th, 2021

Have you ever wondered when you looked at the thermostat for your house if you could make all the rooms even colder than the lowest reading? On most thermostats, the lowest setting possible is 60°/65°F. But could the AC make the house even colder than that? What are the limits of the cooling power of an air conditioner?

We don’t think this is a frivolous question, and the answer isn’t just trivia. Understanding the limits of your home’s air conditioning system can make it easier for you to know how much you can push it and when you should rein back. Below we’ll get into how cool the AC can make your house.

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Humidity Is Bad News in Summer for More Than One Reason

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Although we’re used to thinking of humidity as an all-around negative, that’s not true. In fact, during a cool winter day, a rise in humidity takes the edge off the colder temperatures and makes it easier to stay warm. Humidity also keeps skin moisturized and prevents dried-out sinuses.

But these are all winter issues, and we’re now at the end of spring, with temperatures and humidity on the rise. Nobody likes high humidity in the summer! 

You can’t do much about high humidity levels outdoors, but there are solutions to help inside your home. Central AC repairs in Conyers, GA from our technicians can help an air conditioner get better control over humid conditions, and we also offer installation of powerful whole-house dehumidifiers that allow you to balance humidity at the perfect spot between too humid and too dry. 

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