Premier Heating and Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Dublin’

Have You Upgraded To A Smart Thermostat Yet?

Monday, May 8th, 2023

These days, it seems like there’s a lot of smart technology that’s designed to make our lives better and easier. Just about everyone has a smartphone. But not all homeowners have converted to a smart thermostat installation in Dublin, GA yet.

There are many benefits to smart and Wi-Fi thermostats. If your existing thermostat is outdated, let’s go over the benefits of upgrading it. Also, if you’re due to replace your HVAC system or replaced it recently, it’s recommended that you upgrade your thermostat at the same time. Let’s go over the many ways a smart thermostat can improve your home comfort.

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Spring AC Maintenance Checklist

Friday, March 24th, 2023

You’ve probably heard the saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” This idiom is supposed to illustrate that the month of March usually starts off with cold, inclement weather but that by the end of the month, the weather is supposed to be mild, like a lamb.

Well, whoever made that up obviously didn’t live in Georgia. We’ve already had some hot, humid days that haven’t felt mild at all. You’ve undoubtedly made the abrupt switch to using your air conditioner already and have likely neglected AC maintenance in Dublin, GA. That’s why we’ve created this checklist of spring AC maintenance so you can be sure your air conditioner will see you through what looks to be a hot, sweltering summer ahead.

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Late Season Furnace Maintenance Tips

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Spring is just around the corner and that means you’ll soon be making the transition from using your furnace to using your air conditioner if you haven’t done so already. But just because you’ll be using your furnace less doesn’t mean it’s okay to neglect furnace maintenance in Dublin, GA. 

The promise of warmer weather often inspires homeowners to tackle those home maintenance tasks they’ve been neglecting. Your furnace deserves some TLC after working hard to keep your home warm for the last few months. Here are some late-season maintenance tasks you can do to help ensure your furnace gets you through the rest of winter and prepare it for next season.

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How To Avoid Furnace Repairs This Season

Monday, December 19th, 2022

The first day of winter is almost here. With the temperate weather we’ve been having, this might come as a surprise to Georgia residents. In fact, this will be the third winter in a row we’ve experienced a La Niña pattern which usually means drier and warmer weather.

Although our heating season is shorter compared to our neighbors to the north, you want your furnace to be in tip-top shape when you start relying on it regularly. How confident are you in your furnace’s ability to provide uninterrupted service throughout the upcoming months?

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How to Tell Your Ductwork Is Causing Comfort Trouble In Your Home

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The season of giving is just around the corner. Why not treat your home to professional duct cleaning this holiday season? Duct cleaning is an important aspect of home maintenance. Not only does it keep the air in your home clean, but it also ensures the proper function of your home’s HVAC system.

Dirty ductwork is also responsible for numerous home comfort issues. When your indoor air quality is poor due to dirty ducts, it can cause a number of health and wellness issues. Because ductwork is not visible in a home, many homeowners neglect their maintenance when they’re out of sight and out of mind.

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Why You Have a Hissing Heater

Monday, November 21st, 2022

In an ideal world, the appliances that make our homes comfortable would operate quietly and efficiently. When they’re not running quietly, it’s usually a sign that something is wrong. 

Depending on the noise your heater is making, there could be a number of things going on. In this article, we’re going to specifically examine hissing noises. No, there’s not a snake in your heater and it isn’t mad at you. To determine if a heating repair is in order, let’s take a look at the possible reasons for a hissing heater. 

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Why Are Most Commercial HVAC Units on the Roof?

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Did you know we offer service for commercial heating and commercial AC in Dublin, GA? Yes, we’re proud to help out local businesses when it comes to staying cool. We have more than 20 years of history working in the area and we know all about the best way to deliver the ideal climate conditions to businesses, from stores to restaurants to offices to manufacturing.

Here’s one question we often hear from people about commercial HVAC. It’s something that’s tickled their brains for years, but they never thought to just ask about it. “Why are most commercial HVAC units located up on the roof of the building?” With home air conditioning systems, the HVAC cabinet is usually located on the perimeter of the home. 

We sometimes joke that HVAC units are put on the roof because they make convenient obstacles for shootouts and rooftop chases in Hollywood movies. But of course, the truth is a bit more mundane…

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The Benefits of Prompt AC Service

Monday, October 10th, 2022

When you have a good air conditioner in your home, you want to keep it running in a healthy manner for as long as possible. While AC maintenance helps, repairs will still pop up now and then.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that putting off fixing a faulty AC won’t cause problems. Even a well-maintained air conditioner needs prompt repairs if you want to be able to enjoy reliable performance for as long as possible.

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How to Tell It Is Time for An AC Upgrade

Monday, August 15th, 2022

The summer can take its toll on an air conditioner, especially if it is an older system. Factor in maintenance—or lack of it—and you may realize that you have an air conditioner that is ready to retire after this summer ends.

We know that getting a replacement for your AC system can seem like a huge project, but our team is here to help. We can get this service taken care of in a timely manner and get it done right. But first, let’s figure out if you do in fact need to prepare for a replacement.

Here are the warning signs to watch for that will warn you that the time has come to upgrade your air conditioner.

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Do You Need a New Thermostat?

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Your thermostat is vital to your home comfort. This is the control center for your air conditioner in the same way that your steering wheel gives you a way to control your car. Without this control center, you won’t be able to get anything done!

You don’t just need any thermostat though. You need a thermostat that works effectively in order to provide quality comfort to your home. If you have a thermostat in your home, then you may want to start considering whether or not it is time for an upgrade.

Here’s how you can determine if you would benefit from upgrading your thermostat in Dublin, GA.

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