Premier Heating and Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Thermostats’

Always Adjusting the Thermostat? You May Need Heating Help!

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Do you know how best to set the thermostat in your house for both comfort and energy efficiency in winter? It isn’t difficult to learn. You only need to remember two things: 1) keep it set at a steady temperature during the day and a lower temperature at night, 2) aim to make the daytime temperature around 68°F. 

If you follow these basic guidelines, you should enjoy a warm house without needing to touch the thermostat except to make the adjustment between day and night or before leave the house. And if you have a programmable or smart thermostat, you won’t even need to do that much!

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Be Comfort-Wise With Your Thermostat!

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

You know how a thermostat works. You’ve probably been around them in the homes you’ve lived in throughout your life. When you want the house to be cooler, you lower the setting. When you want the house to be warmer, you raise it. You can also turn the fan on and off, maybe a few other little features, but that’s it.

However, it isn’t as simple as we’ve described it. In our experience as HVAC experts, we’ve seen people make many mistakes with their thermostat settings so they end up wasting energy and not getting the comfort they need. Sending the thermostat setting zig-zagging through a summer day depending on how you currently feel can mean higher bills than necessary and a house that goes hot and cold rather than where you need it.

We’re going to give you the knowledge you need to be “comfort wise”!

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