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Home Performance Services in McDonough

Give us a call today: 478-987-5302

Your house can be seen as a single, large energy system where the various appliances, the HVAC system, and the insulation work together. Like any large energy system, it can suffer from poor performance and waste power. This is where home performance services can help. Premier Heating and Air offers energy audits to pinpoint where your house has performance issues and how they can be corrected.

Our technicians are EPA-certified and trained to see you get the best in home performance.

We have 20 years of service to the local community-come join our family of satisfied customers! Contact us today

Energy Audits

Improving home performance begins with finding out where a home is not living up to its energy-saving potential. The detective method that finds out how a house could use help is the energy audit. When you schedule an energy audit with the Premier Heating and Air, our team will do a thorough check on the house and its energy seal to find where it is losing energy.

When our team is done, they’ll present you with a complete rundown of your home’s performance and how it can be improved. 

Insulation Services

One of the most important parts of home performance is a home’s insulation. This thermal barrier keeps heat inside or outside as needed, and without proper insulation, the house has no chance of being energy efficient. We can fix your "leaky" house in McDonough, GA with new insulation and insulation replacements.

We use both fiberglass batts and blown-in insulation so we can reach all the parts of your house that need a better heat barrier.